Just lost a fortune thanks to trading post

This just in: Game Developer that made Card Game years ago are giving old digital rewards to players who probably didnt even know a card game existed. Rendering cards from years ago worthless for a month before they cycle out again.


Its ok i pulled the spectral tiger mount from an actual pack back in bc and used it


And nothing of value was lost.

Unbelievably based of Blizzard to absolutely obliterate your stash tbh.

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This is why I don’t buy pets and mounts in the online store. They’ll just be given away in the next expansion. Like my hard-earned warlock dreadsteed and paladin charger from vanilla.

Youre not smart. You are not a smart person. You spent, as you put it, a fortune on a digital asset. You spent real world money for a cross promotional video game pet. There is nothing special about having it. Its not Scarab Lord or Grand Crusader. Youre not special for having it. Grow up.

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Boooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo. Cry more

Don’t fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy.

Sell it to me for 1,000g

Hahaha so you spent lots of good on them in the AH thinking man I’ll sell these later for triple what I paid. So sad don’t care.

Digital items were never rare in the first place.

If you ever dive into the world of software engineering it breaks games for you in ways you never thought before.

Inventories and items become meaningless to you. Once you learn how combat systems work, you realize your playing excel.

Pro tip, never place value in digital currency, oops! That means crypto too.

Those people are also ignorant. It literally doesn’t exist. Hand me a bitcoin and I’ll buy one lmao. At least the wow token saves you time which translates irl

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Lol i love these posts

Good. No one and i mean not one person should have to pay a fortune for an in game item

Cope. Seethe. Skill issue.

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Posting in a lvl10 char because even yourself are ashamed of what you’re crying about. Grow up. It’s a game or gtfo. You know your pick lol

You only need like 100k to function on retail. Gold is literally useless outside of buying enchants. Gold should be the last thing you worry about in this game

I still have my Worgen druid deck. It was a bit of an odd card game as any cards in the deck could be flipped over and used as resources rather than the traditional mana generation cards. I miss the game but every now and then I run into someone with a deck.

All I have to say to you is Hahaha ha. You invested in a digital asset. It’s not like a whole factory would need to be spun up to print more of them. Nothing should have been that rare in the game anyways. Everything should be obtainable the same way it was when it was current and if the content is removed or external, it should have just gone onto a vendor.

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I agree, but the issue I feel with wow is too many complains for everything, ohh why this and ohh why that, why I cant get this mount or pet, why it removed, why my class cant heal why why literally always, just leave the game the way it is man, you dont like your class reroll to the op one, you dont have a rare pet or mount so what lol

They absolutely didn’t.

A fortune? Yea ok lol

Thabk you
someone with some sense. Its a game. Get over it

I’m sorry but this is important information to know now