Just looking

Just looking to see what’s out there!

2/10M CN 3/10H 8/10N SD resto druid and ret pally looking for a new Mythic raid team.
We are looking for Sun-Thurs 7-10 CST (two days and one off night for heroic clears) We are not looking for a fast CE top 100 raid team but more of a “get as far as we can in mythic” kind of team. We would really like to find a team that is doing or close to mythic raiding and has one night as a full clear heroic off night.

I am the one mainly looking as the Ret pally’s work schedule is all over the place during sports seasons.

If you are who we are looking for please feel free to reach out to me here.

Thank you!

Hello we gnomaste an AOTC semi casual two nights a week raiding and M+ guild I am very interested to talk to as i think we are a great fit for you both. if you’re interested message me on discord JCBLW#8850

Aearown, we raid a little bit later than you specified, but if we’re something your interested let me know!

Guild: Local Pub
Faction: Alliance
Server: Sargeras
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm-12:00am CST
Current Progression: 10/10 N 3/10H

Casual, new-raider friendly guild looking for more folks to enjoy all aspects of the game with. Local Pub is an inclusive, welcoming environment with the emphasis on fun and a willingness to be patient while we all work to help each other improve. Currently looking for all roles and classes. Happy to accept those levelling up as well and willing to help gear you up when you hit 60.

Local Pub might be a great fit for you if:

  • You tend to play late at night during the weekdays
  • You have life commitments, and know that those must come first
  • You’re looking for a fun-first group of people to play with during your limited free time
  • You have an alt that you want to gear up, and our raid times don’t conflict with your main
  • You’re just getting into Shadowlands and are looking to break into raiding
  • You want to dabble in all aspects of the endgame, including M+ and pvp
  • You’re excited to help us continue to grow a smaller guild


  • Try out a new class in a low-pressure environment
  • Put kids to bed and still make raid times - avoid the LFR hassle!
  • Participate in some fun “off-day” activities - including mythic races, intra-guild pvp tournaments (for fabulous prizes!), m+ pushes, and much more!

Interested? Reach out to Bhangi#11115 for questions. Hope to see you soon at the Local Pub!

Still searching for a new team

Unfortunately those times are much too late for me :frowning: Thank you for replying!