Just let the non flying crowd zone and play with themselves in a server

Its method. Like the recent mdi. Method vs method vs method.

Kind of boring.

I bypass most terrain and mobs by using a flight path and I still use a flight path for most longer travel time in-game. As for players? I have warmode turned off most of the time, and when I do turn on warmode, it’s because I want to go fight other players.

aka no one cares.

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I do that anyway, it’s just more frustrating and slower. So again, BYPASSES WHAT?!

No. That’s your opinion. There is no objective proof that flight is bad for this game.

That’s almost amusing considering you refuse to consider any other arguments and are so certain that you are correct that you are acting like your opinions are facts.

What points are being made, I haven’t seen a good point in the opposition of flying YET.


ITT: People who want to fly around in the skies in WoW without ever actually playing WoW.

What we have is a group that likes to play an RPG, and a group that just likes the feeling of the world. It’s a pretty big divide. In the end though, we’re playing an MMORPG, not habbo hotel.

Even with flying I use flight paths cuz I am that lazy!

Warmode? There is hardly anyone around who cares! Leveled a Frost DK on WM and only a single rogue attacked me. I ran after ccing him. I should have stood and fought, even with the level disparity but I am used to being hard ganked in PvP. I didn’t know that scaling impacted WM too.

He tried to get me later when I was mounted too, was hysterical. WM is a joke for toons leveling, only max level gear toons would be troublesome and why would they bother killing lower level players off.

WM is a fail.

If I was consistently complaining that EVERYONE else shouldn’t have access to an engine simply because I want to pedal I’d be a giant knob.

So… yeah.

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What even is your argument? The game sucks? Sounds like you’re all afraid to just come out and say it like that, but that’s your opinion I feel.

Tell me in clear words though, what is your position? Rustyshklfrd backed out when I explained that I get his opinion, because he realized that that is the full extent of your position. It’s fun, it’s annoying to grind pathfinder, you’re bummed out. What else is there? Nothing.

Nice strawman. Try again. Especially coming from someone like you who has barely done any of the world content you claim to care so much about.

MMORPG does not mean “must group up at all times”.

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I agree flying and no flying servers is the best solution.


Fact: The vast majority of players demand flight and demand it at max level.

This is a fact. It is not in dispute.


There would be about a dozen players on the no flyer server lol.


When did I mention anything about grouping up? Pathfinder is a solo grind.

Why would I be in a rush to complete pathfinder when I feel the game is better without access to flying mounts?

How did you get that I think the game sucks from what I’ve said? I’m legitimately curious.

Pathfinder Part One should award flight in the expansion launch zones. Then they can have subsequent Pathfinder achievements for any new zones that get added later on.

You could have asked that before being so condescending and hateful towards me.

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Then don’t. It’s your choice.

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That is fine with me. That is the only way to resolve the “no flying ever” crowd.


Maybe, but at least we wouldn’t have to deal with them. Sounds like a win to me lol

Lol, you like everything that most players don’t.

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