Take a page out of Final Fantasy 14’s book. When they flopped and failed they introduced the Calamity that ended the old crappy game and came out with a good game.
Now is the perfect chance to do it. BFA and SL is a dumpster fire. Let the Jailor win, rewrite reality, and make way for WoW2!
the difference is the calamity was actually cool, I have a feeling the jailer winning will be more like a silent fart.
Yea, it was pretty bad writing, but I’ll take a silent fart over 10.0 being more of BFA and SL.
It’s the Jailer. You spelled it wrong. You probably watch a lot of Sailor Moon.
or they play a lot of town of salem, or it’s just their dialect.
You know it’s sad when the main antagonist and final villain of the expansion is so forgettable people don’t even know his name.
It was confirmed that Blizzard doesn’t plan for WoW 2 but for another 10 years of the current version with same engine.
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His name is actually Zovaal. I wonder what percentage of players know that.
Tech advancement slowed down when Steve Jobs died. Sorry.
WoW 2 will never happen. When the lights go out on WoW, it will be an end of it. If Blizzard makes another MMORPG, which with the market the way it is, I doubt it will. But even if they did it would take 5 or more years of development to do so. Many of us will be dead from old age by then.
I think Blizzard used more on quest text, voice lines the word Jailer that Zovaal, so probably a lot of people just call it Jailer.
Maybe we should call him the Jailor to prove a point and drive it home.
I can disagree with just about everything you said.
Lol “call it Jailer” he’s just a thing.
he has no personality so yea I can see it being called an it instead of a he.
Maybe it’s just identifying as a jailer!
Sorry english is not my first language, my mistake “call him*”, well the Arbiter was a thing and now the eternals are produced via a print machine on the next raid, maybe a thing is right.
Do they have a shred machine too or is Blizzard still using it in the office?
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I wouldn’t be able to spell his other name either it’s like Zoball or something.
There’s an unannounced team in WoW that you can apply for in blizzard careers
What do you think they were doing the past couple of years lately?