Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

This person said it best.

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Because multiple people could get it if the did the quest and rang the gong. Look at this, I already linked it, but perhaps you missed it.

This is the Scarab Lord mount that very few people have.

This is the archaeology mount that everyone can get, even someone today.

Blizzard brought back the model…

As I said, I’m happy with them adding new retextures (or a new form altogether) that are available today. Be that in an equally difficult challenge, or elsewhere

But I want what I worked for to be preserved. I think it’s a happy compromise

Mage Tower, I’m not sure, more referencing the Legendary Cloak story line from MoP as it actually wraps up the story for pandaria, and is what allows access to certain areas in the Timeless Isle as well


Most achievements are not exclusive.

Are you quoting your alt? How droll.

I just disagree fundamentally. But it’s a compromise, I suppose.

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Not my alt so you lose again.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m of the opinion that content shouldn’t be made limited time.

But once you actually make it limited time, and I’m put into a situation like that, I expect some degree of consistency.

The worst possible thing that can happen is Blizzard saying something is “gone for good” and then adding it back later. It makes you wonder when something actually is gone, and could very well cost you something later if you assume it’ll come back

They already eliminated that requirement with the Scarab Lord mount recolor. I can go spend a few days and get it, whereas the Scarab Lord folks spent months the first time around getting that and it was very few people per server.

I just wish they put more stuff for archaeology. It’s such an underused profession and would a good way to get recolors into the game.

Like I said, if it was advertised as limited time they shouldn’t have done that. I think that’s a poor way to treat people who go into a crunch to obtain a limited time thing, only for it to turn out to not be limited time later. That does not mean I think it should be limited time, just that I think they should follow through

And yeah, I’d like to see more archaeology. I definitely didn’t appreciate them outright ignoring it this expac


By these people here it ruins there sense of collection

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Get back to me when Blizzard randomly decides a Raid is going to be completely removed from the game after that Expansion for… reasons.

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Is it bad that I prefer that, though? I think the “forced scarcity” design is really crappy. I went through a lot to get my appearances, but it feels awful to tell friends that weren’t around then (or, in rare cases, didn’t even know about it then) that you can’t get it because… because.

You listed the story you went through. I get it. Try and extend that same thinking to a new person, though. That same frustration. Something they may really, really want but they’ll never have due to a sales strategy.


As someone with the title you mentioned and other time limited or promotional only items, i say bring them back. It doesn’t hurt anyone, except those who want to feel special.


No. Listen, I don’t have any mage tower appearances. I didn’t play during that expansion, and I missed them all. I’d love some of them. But no.

Every time someone brings this up, I pull out this very true story:

I worked on “What a Long, Strange Trip it’s Been” from nearly the first day they gave us achievements. The reward was the Violet Proto-Drake, an ugly recolor of an ugly flying mount from Wrath that came in about 8 colors of an identical model. The reason it was worth working for is that it was the only mount in the game with 310% flight.

I worked on that thing for a solid year, making sure that I skipped even a raid night if I was down to the wire on a holiday and might miss a sub-achieve in the meta. Any missed sub achievement would mean another whole calendar year before it could be completed. So I didn’t miss any. I wanted that faster flight.

I was one of the first people to get that mount.

Next expansion, they let EVERYONE buy it with gold…not the mount, but the speed. The mount isn’t worth anything, and everyone knows it.

I will NEVER forgive them for it.

Don’t wish that on the people who worked for their mage tower appearances, which they had to grind content for with the promise that the rewards would be exclusive.


It wasn’t the same thing no matter how much they want to use it as an example of Blizz adding things back to the game.

It was a server wide event where the first player to ring the gong got the title and the mount. Completely different.

Plus, the Scarab Lord Title didn’t come back which was the thing only thing that mattered.

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Intriguing how opening mage tower appearances back up is getting more support over the years now. a year or two ago the entirety of GD would bully the OP. Nowadays the Op has more support than exclusive fans.

That’s not what I’m seeing in this thread.

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the overall like ratio still disagrees.

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You’re likely seeing what you want to, then.

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