Just leave pug runs if your gear doesnt drop

im happy you figured this one out pretty quick

cant come to grips with something that ive never done before.

That sucks, im not having one. just stating whats gonna happen more often.

Thats not cheating.

Dope, see you next week in the next pug you join. You will not remember my name on your ignore list, Also there is a cap on ignoring people.

Your a real winner

This is why you join a guild and make friends. WOW is not meant to be a solo endeavor. I still raid with my friends even if I’m BiS or not.

You won’t be seeing me. I strongly suspect with the sort of player you’re showing yourself to be you’ll try and engage in GDKP work arounds and I’ll be reading your appeals on the CS forum :wink:

Also I guess as of feb 8, it will be officially described as cheating. Enjoy your gold buying p2w til then

i did, But were the type of guild to only really care about mains, as raiding everyday on every alt is kinda tedious, so its mains first for raid days and yolo on alts until lockouts turn into weekly lockouts.

so has gdkp and look at how much people complain about that.

Oh you dont go to the CS forums to get appeals. Theres like 1 guy thats actually a decent CS, and everyone else either failed being a CS somewhere else. the Top quality ones are working tickets.

oh well, tell your guildies i said hi, and when someone leaves their group think of me, The great Soifong captain of the stealth force in the 13 courtyard squads.

They already posted there, did not go well for them. Trying to ask CS for loopholes never goes anywhere.

Says every gold buyer :wink:

Having kids like you is a risk associated with doing Pug. You don’t want the risk join a guild.

As long as it’s not GDKP there’s nothing stopping you from doing this I suppose

I imagine raids will start looking like they do in retail where pugs constantly leave when the item they want doesn’t drop.

im sure blizzy would have thrown the ban hammer at me if my gold was “illegal”. With the amount the amount of traffic i generate on the forms.

what im actually gonna do is sell raid slots, since im not selling an item 4 gold.

and your right, they will.

Perhaps but not every thief gets caught every time, it only takes the once. Good luck!

So try to start alt runs with other guildies who want to on off nights.


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im est, theyre pdt. My bedtime wont allow me to stay up past 11pm on a weekday. to get raids in on all my alts. + i need to sell some raid clears to keep up with my gold addiction. Deathrolling gets crazy behind the kelris door.

If you have limitations that don’t allow you to play as much as you want, then you either need to accept it or put yourself in a position where you can. It’s not Blizzards job to cater to the individual. I would love to play everyday 8 hours a day, but I have a wife and kid, so I don’t.

who said it was?

You do understand theres raids outside of guild raiding right? or should pug runs be banned too?