"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

It’s not the best solution for all.

And I’ve explained it in detail in the main post.

There is, its called pugging. I do it 2-3 times a lockout. All have gone 6/6. Most never die even once.

Skill issue

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Why isn’t the best solution for just one person. Any person. I don’t care who. Pick the person whose situation best proves your point.

Because the whole post is saying how just join a guild doesn’t work for everyone.

But why doesn’t it work?

If I can only raid 2 weeks out of the month how likely am I to have a spot for me when I am available to play?

Let me fix this statement so it is true

It is the best solution for some players and it is the solution Blizzard is offering

Let me teach you something though

You are not at work

You don’t need to toe the corporate line

Don’t get confused by the propaganda :wink:

When it comes to being a customer, a little bit of Karen is OK.

Push for answers and remember that you are not required to accept what they say as gospel.

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Quite often actually. Many guilds have 50-60-70-80 people mass signing up for raids. Find a big guild that wont remember your name at all. Sign up when you have time.

you are spending 30x longer overthinking “what if” and things that wont happen then if you just logged into the game and spammed /1 “LF guild”

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That sounds like pugging with extra steps.

Its organized pugging, which sounds exactly like what you want.

unless you are begging for LFR, which Retail is that way bud :point_right:

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Lol you won’t be guaranteed a spot but you have a better chance of getting one in a guild than out of it. Pretty obvious that’s the case

Ding ding ding.

Because if I’m not raiding due to a roster issue it’s clearly not working for me, is it?

It’s not the best solution for me if it’s not working when I want it. Compared to a pug which you can join almost whenever.


You can’t join pugs if you’re in a guild?

If I’m joining a pug, what is the guild doing for me at that particular point in time?

You folks understand that when your evangelize blizzard’s word as the gospel, that you are basically a customer service self check out at work

You are the reason why blizzard doesn’t have employees doing this

So if I see any of you complaining about a lack of communication from them I am going to laugh and say “I wonder why”

Why should they have to talk when you talk for them

Best part is that they are not accountable to anything you say.

Don’t be corporate tools for corporations you don’t work at people


If you want a job in PR apply for it


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Im so lost lol. This OP is just creating a fantasy land to create internal excuses and cope for why he “cant play”

Sometimes im busy on the nights my guild raids. I just pug. If im not busy i play with them.

Its so oddly simple I really dont understand what issue the cow is having outside of dented head

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You have no clue how warcraft logs work, huh?

I don’t think you understand that WOW is (still despite Blizz’s best efforts) an MMORPG, and guilds are a fundamental part of that.

Also, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that you can’t be in a guild as well as a casual player. This is a really odd, and incorrect, assumption.

He wants instant gratification and views benefits only as tangible rewards for himself, without acknowledging all the immeasurable ways a guild benefits people. First and foremost through networking which helps even when pugging.

Finish the rest of my quote please.