"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

Again, missing the point.

Will joining a guild help them? Potentially. Is it going to fix their problems?


If a strong pug scene is present, that could fix their problems.

Retail has LFR. Have fun!

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Will not joining a guild help? No.

And a strong pug scene can potentially help, just like joining a guild can potentially help. I’m not sure why one possibility is being considered by you but not the other. Joining a guild never hurts though while opting not to can.

Because the topic of the post is saying how just joining a guild doesn’t work for everyone.

Do you understand?

I understand you’re making up some reason why joining a guild isn’t a good solution, ignoring that it has benefits including for raiding for anyone that chooses to join one.

I’m sorry I offended you.

You didn’t? I’m sorry you take disagreement as some sort of personal issue.

You’re claiming that I’m lying and making up things. Sounds pretty offended to me.

I’m sorry that you don’t understand some people would like to take a week off every now and then from raiding.

It’s sad that you’re tryng to argue logic when you conflate disagreement as emotion.

Guilds have benefits

But so does the self checkout line at the grocery store

The new thing in business is getting your customers to work for you.

Follow the money

This is never about good fellies and warm cockles

Just hopefully that stuff is included with the happy meal.

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Do you think joining a guild is the best solution for all players? Do you think that there is no possibility of another solution for them?

Joining a guild is the best solution for all players. Having a bigger social circle is better than having a smaller one. Having access to guild runs is better than not having that access. It’s really undeniable.

But if you don’t have access to the guild runs, is it really that beneficial?

You still get other benefits, and are more likely to have access to them than you would otherwise. There is no reason not to join a guild.

There are plenty of reasons why to not join a guild but I won’t go into those because it’s besides the point.

Just telling someone with issues finding a consistent raiding schedule to “join a guild” clearly doesn’t solve their problem, does it? It might help alleviate the pains, but the problem is still there.

Just join a guild lol

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“looking for guild that needs occasional subs for gnomer, can’t commit to full time raid schedule” and one of the guilds you mentioned that doesn’t want to over recruit will take you. It’s simple.

Dude. How can you miss the point this much?

What does that person do when the group is full but they are online wanting to play? Does being in the guild at that particular point in time help them at all?

No it’s not besides the point, please explain. It’s very relevant as you’re the one arguing guilds aren’t actually the best solution and won’t explain why, you keep making up hypotheticals.

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You pug like you would anyway or run it another day