"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

And if he just went and played Retail WoW he could have that with LFD and LFR. heh.

Frankly, what boggles my mind is the sheer amount of players SoD has who are like this.

The things they’re asking for, like wanting the game to be easier for solo casual players, or wanting to be able to get into a pug group without having to work for it or whisper another player… these are the things that destroyed any sense of community in Retail WoW and indeed in most other Modern MMOs in general.

A lot of us are here playing this twenty year old version of the game with some extra bells and whistles BECAUSE catering to the solo, casual player is what ruined Retail WoW for us.

And yet, even now, even in this twenty year old game, we still have people baying at the top of their lungs for more solo-friendly game design. Crazy.




I want to be able to take a few weeks off and have a raid group when I come back.

But I understand the pressure this actually puts on guilds.

I originally started WoW in Wotlk, so 2019 Classic was my first time doing 40 man raids. It was fine. Fun, even. And frankly, I wish BFD and Gnomer would have been 20 man raids from the start because 10 man has been fairly limiting for my group of friends. Glad that Phase 3 will be 20 man, and I don’t mind whether MC is 20 man or not tbh.

What you seem to fail to understand (which is odd because you say you enjoy your guild) is that guilds are the pillars upon which the broader community is built. If SoD starts to de-emphasize guilds, any sense of a community feel to the game will start to die and we’ll start down the same slippery slope that Retail WoW took to its current state, where there’s no semblance of community anywhere to be seen.

Guilds should remain the best way to play SoD, full stop. Joining a guild should be the easiest, most basic advice you can give anyone who is struggling with the pugging scene, because again, being in a guild SHOULD be better than pugging.

Not saying that Blizzard needs to kill pugging altogether and FORCE everyone to join a guild upon login or anything insane like that. But I very much like the current state of the game we have, where being in a guild makes SoD easily twice or more as much fun as not being in one.

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I don’t fail to understand anything.

Community should exist outside of the small cliques.

Joining a guild to raid with is committing play. Either you commit to the schedule or you find yourself looking for another group.

Some guilds are cool with that, but you need to be a decent enough person to pass on loot to people who show up regularly.

Like you said you want to be part of a community, but a community would expect something of you.

That seems to be the disconnect.

When all you do is take from a community you’re basically a parasite.

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Exactly my point. Unless you commit to playing consistently with that group, you’ll find yourself raiding with a new team more than likely or you eat the consequences of not being as committed.

Doesn’t happen with pugs.

Community exists outside of small cliques but not independent of them. There is no community without the small cliques to fill in the space. Get rid of the small cliques and ‘community’ becomes meaningless.

That’s what you fail to understand.

It doesn’t though. Raid scene was very strong in Era before SoD and it was built on the PuG scene.

It’s not the same. It’s tone deaf to think a guild is the best answer for all.

That’s why pugs have such high standards for entry… Are you not understanding?

Pug scene is weak because it has a weak pool of players in it.

If GDKP was back it would be strong.

I will not do a pug on any of my toons. Mainly because player skill in pugs that aren’t GDKP is usually very sus. Idc about the gold.

And there were go lol

Tons easier when you can pay people to play with you eh lol?

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Again, I don’t care about the payouts. I care more about the skill and pug level.

You mean it was built on the GDKP scene.

Which is precisely why GDKP is banned in SoD, as per the developer’s own words. Because it disentivized guilds and killed them in Era, and that isn’t the sort of thing the developers want to encourage in SoD.

And there it is.


Facts are facts. GDKP makes the PuG scene way better.

Which is better for the game overall.

Players get burnt out in guilds.

Well yeah because you bought your gold lol

I quest to make my gold.

Again, I don’t like pugs because of the players typically in them.

You’re right, it does do that at the expense of guilds.

You’re wrong, it’s not, because it weakens the community.

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Committed play

I think you’re kind of getting it.

Having smaller cliques doesn’t make a community strong.

That’s an oxy moron.

Sure buddy.

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