I let the first sub mount slide because I was “whatevs, it’s a new type of promotion, people do it all the time.”
Then with Scabbers, it was “Ok, maybe it’s just because we’re going into the content drought.”
But with two posts in the space of twenty four hours, one to remind us that the cloak exists and the other to ask how many people care that it exists, are the numbers just getting that bad?
I can’t remember at any other point when two CMs went out of their way to point out that a core mechanic of the patch was actually in the patch. And I’ve never seen a CM ever put up a poll.
Ever. I didn’t even know it was possible.
Edit: I’m not getting down on them for finally coming for feedback. I’m questioning the timing and the organic nature of how they did it.
The point is that it feels like a slow escalation of milestones that they don’t meet and now they’re here because of people above them asking them to come here, not because they want to engage with the community.
yes, let’s take blizzard actually having a presence on the forums and turn it into a reason to make negative supposition posts! That’ll teach em!
Maybe try to look at the positive side of it? They’re trying out more communication which seems to be something often requested.
I’m not gonna stomp on it. I answered the poll and added why I didn’t need to do the cloak quest.
They are ASKING for feedback. I hope they do this kind of thing more often.
WoW community: “We need more communication!”
Blizz communicates
WoW community: “lOl mUsT bE a BaD gAMe”
Community: We want communication!
Community Mods: Hello!
Community: Oh my god, WoW is dead! Blizzard must be really desperate to talk to us! BFA worst expansion ever 'cuz feelings! REEEEEEEE!
If you could clean up all that straw when you’re done, that’d be great, thanks!
Give us reforging and tier gear back, these new systems are nonsense for you to try to “balance”
Plus characters legitimately feel awful to play in many situations
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Personally I feel like they’re treading water back onto the forums. I do agree it’s a little silly that they had two posts about the cloak, but I like to think they’re aiming for feedback and less that they’re desperate. I have been constantly criticizing their lack of communication on the forums (one of the blues responded to me a while ago saying they responded when it was necessary, but I honestly don’t believe it). So who knows? Maybe it’s just them finally trying to make good on Ion’s promise of more communication?
The timing of the one in particular is weird, though, considering Rank 12 of the cloak was available this week. I feel like that should have been an article finished before the first week but that’s just me. The poll feels honestly fine and appropriate, gauging to see how many people are at what stage.
Why is it always people with 80k achievement points that spent 15 years finding out WoW can’t replace an actual life that post stuff like this.
Only thing I can think is we’re watching the wheels come off of these people.
That’s the real take I’m getting. Feels like an “all hands on deck” realize rather than something organic.
Less what they want it and now that it was demanded from the higher ups to investigate.
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Wouldn’t surprise me. You know, I’ve recently been training to be an auditor. Performed my very first one this month and will be my company’s main auditor going forward.
I WISH I could go on site to Blizzard just to see how things are run. Because I just want to know the process behind a lot of their thoughts and decisions. I know it’s a game company, but it’s just one of those urges that I wish I knew how things worked just to be able to understand how something like this (which I agree feels a bit like a knee jerk) happens.
oh noes the sky is falling!
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Oh noes! Don’t forget to bring a towel!
And if it was something that felt organic, that’d be great.
It doesn’t. They disappeared for months and then two separate CMs popped up within hours of each other with the same essential topic: Hey, are you guys actually doing this?
It feels like they got marching orders. And once they’re done, they’ll disappear again.
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Blizzard puts out a poll but yet they specifically said several times they don’t want or allow polls on this forum and its part of their attempts to improve communications
oh please ive seen magic 8 balls that didn’t have the same level of vague answers when asked a question
Ill be honest i had fun with visions on ptr but now im like meh only got to rank 2 then i said not for me it just feels to much like Mythic+ but for single players.
recon mission behind enemy lines find out what they can and report back to base camp so they can plan their next move if they get caught then its mission impossible time and they will disavow any knowledge 
I don’t have the data. But in my case, yes it’s that bad. I’ve never played so little during an expansion.
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