do you mean auto-blessing of sacrifice (which is new for 11.0.5), or the ability to cast consecration? Ret can talent to have it cast - on CD - with blade of justice, but there’s also another passive talent that provides a chance for consecrate to be cast. But I’m not aware of any manually-cast consecrate for ret this tier.
Statistical anomolies can and should be ignored. It is absolutely mechanically possible for a guild/friend group of 4 people (yes 4 because if a group of 3 queues together they need the 4th person to kick the 5th) to collectively agree to spend their time to queue into dungeon groups with the explicit purpose of kicking people after the grace period is over and I am positive in the history of WoW this exact scenario has happened.
But in no way is it a “regular” thing. People getting kicked, in the extreme vast majority of instances to be very literal, have got it coming by “some” kind of logic. It may very arguably be for a “dumb” or “bad” reason, but it all but guaranteed to not be because 4 people decided their collective time is best served inconveniencing 1 single player every 15+ minutes.
When did I ever say I got repeated kicks? I’ve played this game for several years since 2008 and it has happened maybe a handful of times. So less than once a year, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you get locked out when it happens.
The arrogance to think you know what happened in my key better than I do. Thinking that other people are just too dumb do know what they did instead of recognizing it for what it is. Don’t treat people like they just “don’t realize” what they do wrong. I’ll very much admit when I do wrong and understand when I do, as I’m sure you and most others understand the same. Those times aren’t what we’re talking about.
Stop and listen to understand instead of trying to criticize and deflect blame on the people bringing up the issue with absolutely no knowledge of their situation.
Going to quote myself here and just gonna call you out for trolling. Cause there’s no way anyone can be that thick.
Because we are allowed to vote-kick for any reason at all.
Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.
the wording is pretty poor to say “for no reason” is allowed for ppl to be kicked…
then obviously thats a flaw in the system.
thats how abuse starts bc there are no ‘rules’ typing up the reason of kickin someone bc of a random letter shouldnt be a reason, thats obviously trolling.
and we KNOW that poster IS the bogus kicker lmao.
NO ONE defense this garbage behavior of abusing other players with the tool UNLESS they are DOING It themselves.
they KNOW they are mistreating others…and trying to scapegoat blizzards hands off policy for THEIR foul behavior