Just gonna say it. Earthen VA is super bad

The voice acting…it’s soooooooooo bad! :face_vomiting:

Could we please not have what sounds like an AI trying to simulate a human speaking, do the VA for them instead?

I was really looking forward to race changing my belf pally to earthen, but this puts a dampner on things.


I mean to each their own.

I actually love the female earthen’s voice… Like I’m surprised by how much I like it.

Yeah I love both of these voices.

The lines though? Those are bad. Those are awful. I miss the old jokes and flirts honestly The old races never got replacements and both of the new races have such bad ones.

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The female voice acting makes them sound insufferable


Just gonna say it. Earthen VA is super bad

Really? News to me. In fact I didn’t even know there was an Earthen, Virginia.
Is it anywhere near Richmond?


The voice acting took a little getting used to for me, but now i quite like it.

I do wish their jokes were a tiny bit better though.

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On the other hand, bad voice acting is just par for the course for such a meh race.


Hard disagree! At least for the male voice. I love it. The female one just doesn’t feel like it matches their counterpart though. I don’t think they even have the same accent!

I just went and listened to the voice clips for both……

Who wrote those lines….?

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The earthen female sounds like a grandpa. I love it!

The bad puns given?
I can forgive.

The absolute lifelessness in the delivery of every single line?
Not so much.


I dont like them either. It sounds like lady ashvane and pandaren to me. It’s all I hear.

At least Lady Ashvane had some semblance of human emotion in her va. But this? Both Earthen sound like someone just input sentences into a 1990s speak and say childrens toy.

I seriously don’t think blizz paid any actual humans to record these lines.


Nice. Slightly gravelly, generic text-to-speech voice. LoL

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They’re fine. My only complaint is that the accents, intonation, etc. don’t match at all between male and female. I actually quite like the male voice acting, and wish the female one matched it better. The female voice acting isn’t necessarily bad, but I don’t think it fits the race very well. It actually reminds me a ton of the the audiobooks I heard as a kid, very story time-eske. I think it would have been better as a specific character’s voice, rather than the race as a whole.

They’re titan constructs. Tyr speaks the same way.

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I’m aware. I still do not like it.

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something may be horrible but people will still find a way to cope themselves into believing its good

I loved lady ashvane, whoever did those voice lines did an amazing job. But you’re right, it’s like a lifelessness to the earthern. They are rocks I suppose but even Therazane had emotion.

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Fair enough.

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