Just go prot

literally just went


and going to hit 1500 currently with 0 losses

while on arms im just being curbstomped by casters and crap like that as my healer does nothing to help me

literally all i do on prot is keep my teammates alive and it WORKS


Don’t get it nerfed D: It’s such a fun spec in arena.

bro prot does pathetic damage and the only good thing it does is keep people alive
its heavily teammate dependent so its a roll of the dice if your teammate doesnt have you muted

prots not going to be nerfed anytime soon
you dont see them anywhere near the 2 people currently sitting at 2400 in all of NA so we good

I get spooked ez

thats your teammates job to get spooked cause as prot all you are doing is eating up the CC’s they have and eating the damage your teammate takes

Single-target pressure feels underwhelming, especially without an ms.

not my problem
its the poor creature im keeping on life supports job to keep up


Do you use intervene a bunch to protect them? And does it also redirect spells?

It does not.

you can only imagine how many times i have to intervene the 1 guy freaking out

just go brewmaster :smiling_imp:

What do you do in situations where you are the one melee and you need to protect your caster ally?

either die or cc tf outta the other casters for my caster to kill the casters before the casters either kill me or my caster


Oh no you just lose those

i dont have anger problems or the need for therapy so i dont play monk nor could play a BM

Good thing because it’s like 3x the binds and 60% the damage

buddy, theres not a single monk with anger problems. we make pilgrimage to the great turtle and meditate with master yoon

i pump big dam now after the update. but it is 3x the binds. legitimately use like 3.5 full action bars of binds.

you havent seen goldshire then

yea and shadowflames actually really good as prot as it procs like CRAZY aoeing every living thing

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Ooferino, that’s what I envisioned. Well, I’ll try Daddy’s strategy when the time comes and see what happens.