Just give us the full PVP set at this point

  • Bloody token sets are SLIGHTLY worse than conquest

  • You basically get a free weapon

  • you don’t need to scale gear since it automatically scales to ilvl for you.

What’s the damn point now? For basically 4-5 expansions it’s been easier and easier to “grind” for your PVP set. This expansion is the easiest it’s been. To the point it just straight annoying.

Just make each piece cost $1,000 from a vendor and call it a day…

PVP gear use to actually mean something and showed true effort by the player…

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I think they wanna encourage the 1 vs 5+ pvp meta.

To be honest why they continued much less expanded on bloody coins escapes me with how badly warmode failed.

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… Not in a very long time. For many, many years now, the progression of PvP gear was woefully lacking. Imagine barely being able to get a piece a week and thinking that is progression. Saving 3 weeks for a 2h wep that the pve crowd got on day 1? Why should that even be a thing. Pvp should just give everyone max conquest gear and let skill take its course.


Real talk…there shouldn’t be pvp ilv progression. Its pvp.

Rated would be better in every measurable way if you just got a full set of max level pvp gear from the vendor


Gear should just scale like it did in the BG blitz brawl tbh. Gearing in PVP sucks. If you don’t start day one, good luck getting your foot in the door without a headache.


What on EARTH are you talking about??? want to explain to the rest of the class how we are getting this gear for free?


Idk it doesn’t look too bad. Also don’t forget that heraldry items can let you craft pvp items now without sparks which is great if you’re someone that also does pve.


but those pvp items are worse then the honor items.

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No earn it. Acquiring the honor, while not hard, still requires you to put in the time for the basic set. The current system, allowing conquest pvp upgrade addons to crafted gear, is very much earned.

ITs annoying to do a small grind for your pvp gear? holy smokes, lazy


Those scale, there’s 3 steps of that gear. The gladiator heraldry let you craft gear that scale up to 639 in pvp.

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You never craft those items… they are rubbish. Well never is a strong word but they are awful

Devil’s advocate here, while some would appreciate and love it, other’s would cry fowl and say it’s the death of all pvp since they will have “killed progression,” without substituting a ilvl progression with a massive and substantive cosmetic, title, mount, or other form of prog system pvpers care about.

Pretty sure just giving all of us the gear and only leaving titles, one pitiful mog color change, a weapon enchant appearence, and mount only for glad are not going to keep people going for seasons on end.

WoW, on both PvE and PvP front’s is really all about the treadmill. Take that away and then there’s “nothing to do.” And don’t get me wrong. I agree gear should be normalized and balanced - but it’s really not that simple from a dev standpoint or player psychology standpoint.

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Yeah but those people are the same ones that lead to there being more premades in random battlegrounds then rated battlegrounds.

They should be ignored

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Pure conjecture.

You’re proposing they make a giant change and commit significant effort, completely remove all progression in the name of fairness, on the pure hypothetical it will bring in more people than it loses.

While I want this to be true, you sound incredibly naive if you think this would be a slam dunk. What people think, and what they feel are often two different things.

I think fairness is essential for good pvp.
…and yet…
I also feel bored out of my mind if there’s no “reward” for playing. For whatever reason, playing a game strictly for “fun” without a reward or some type of gain makes me FEEL like I’m wasting my time, and I hate it.

They can’t just make things equal and call it a day. They need to make it equal and also give pvpers there own progression system on top of it. Unless they do that I’m afraid calling for equalization is going to essentially kill enthusiasm for it entirely. Initially it might be great, but if that’s really all they did and then don’t touch us again for what? 2-3 years except to give us one BG map you think we’ll really still be around?

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It better come with a slow motion, time capture, dressing for awesome, montage.

PVP gearing is fine where it is at right now. Not out of reach for anyone. Don’t touch it.


Ooooh… yer one of those… It only “means something” to the person who places value on it. This is a game, a form of entertainment, and in case you missed it, the world spent the last 20 years going the way of the participation trophy. If you want PvP gear and titles to “mean something”… Classic is that way —> No one has time for a PvE grind, let alone a PvP grind on top of it. Blizz sees times and players have changed and the only way to make it work is to simplify it. Also, probably more credibility if you were not hiding behind an alt account at LvL 16 with no achievement points. For all we know, you are simply baiting a fight.

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Its more it would appeal to people who actually want to pvp rather then be handed a scenario where they win 9/10 times.

I have no illusion that it would be less popular in wow. We have proof with there usually being more premades in random battle grounds then rated already despite exclusive rewards and even just greater rewards by default.

Im arguing that its better for the game not that its more popular

As someone who does feel that they need rewards to enjoy pvp, it just feels like you are casting off people like myself as acceptable casualties in the fight against premades and are lumping us in with them when you could just find a way to target premades more directly and keep people like myself invested.

Kill premades. Fix the ilvl floor. Make pvp fair.

I’m all for it. But removing progression ain’t it.

You are not acceptable casualties your welcome ones.

There are more rewards in pvp then any other form of content. Man up and enter rated.