Just give us the full PVP set at this point

Well the changes they have made are good, it was always the low weekly conquest cap that bothered me. Pvpers might get a piece of conquest gear a week. Pve player Will fill all slots with gear and have a lot of differing currency for various levels of upgrades per week. Is what it is. I would play regardless.

IMHO we should just get a revamped Honor Level system that’s more like the Renown progression with DF and TWW factions.

How openly hostile of someone who isn’t your enemy…
Welcome to my super short ignore list!

PvP gear is cool in concept but it should just be for nothing but cosmetics. The game is primary PvE and PvE gearing requires much more effort.

If time investment is to matter it should from look you actually for, not just fluff content like spamming battle grounds for your daily victory.

This is why a big portion of the player base always preferred WoW Vanilla PvP. Like I’m 587 and someone in green from doing 1-2 days of BG spam can beat me in duel, not logical.

Much more effort? So you raiding in a group with 24 other people and on auto-follow practically to get loot is easier than getting to 2400 rated in the arena? How is that more effort than learning the ins and outs of each and every class while having your apm increased through experience and skill that is proven to be much higher than what is needed for a raiding group. I don’t understand where is “Effort” is higher in PvE when there is a much lower skill ceiling? WOuld you rather be able to take down a dragon that is the exact same to defeat every time or take down the guy who defeated the dragon? Food chain Kings are not in the middle. I have been playing since Warcraft 1 was a demo on the side of a cereal box for the first 3 levels of Orcs and Humans; Not once has the PvE been harder than the PvP in any Blizzard rendition of Warcraft. 1-2 days of BG greens should destroy your 0 days. 1-2 days of greys should destroy your 0 days,; that is logical. It’s a new expansion, time for new gear my man. If new gear didn’t matter we’d all be wearing our stuff from the level 5 zones still . What you are complaining about is that others are better at time management than you are and it hurts your results. For The Alliance!

2400 is cosmetics. I love how you did a whole chapter to sum up and confirm what I’ve said. Thanks.

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Bloody Token gear is the stepping stone after honor gear, and before conquest gear.

You’ll be in honor pieces, some bloody token pieces, and maybe a conquest piece or two, until you’re fully decked out in conquest.

P2W, in my WoW?!

It still does, you probably aren’t familiar with how PvP gearing has been for a while it sounds like.

Elite sets, for example. If someone is wearing one, you know they are good at PvP.

That’s what cosmetic rewards are for.

PvP should be a relatively level playing field.


There is already a rewards system based on CR. The Honor and Token and even Conquest grind is a complete waste of time. People just want to log on and PvP, not do all this unnecessary preparation when it really does come down to player skill anyhow. A player in full Conquest gear who doesn’t know what they are doing is going to lose.

Wish Blizzard would just give everyone their full Conquest gear for free and spare us this dumb grind every season.


I think we should just remove PvP

We used to get our gear all scaled and that was a problem, then we could buy specific PvP resistance gear and that was a problem, and then we had PvP power and that was a problem, and then everyone could get PvP gear again and that was a problem, and then we could get PvP gear that scaled higher than PvE gear so no more mythic raiders and that was a problem

677 Posts?! No wonder you lose in PvP. You literally waste more time than in a raid. This will be my last post for a long time so I don’t end up like you. You proved your own point my man.

The people who can’t put in the basic time to earn the Honor gear are definitely not putting in the time to learn how to play Arenas. They’ll be punished either way, while the people who do care about Arena progression don’t have to waste their time doing this grind every season.

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The PvP content at cap but before you have ilvl for rated sucks.

We should bring back unrated blitz for honor grinding

Ok casual 8 post visitors, we won’t miss your bad takes!

There are players sitting in chat all day long spamming Glad carries every season. There are players sitting on their Glad mounts that they did not earn every season. I stopped taking PvP as seriously when I saw an account that had only ever achieved Combatant I and II for years and years suddenly achieve Glad with a 100% win rate. Yeah, 2400 is for cosmetics. And for the 45 clean players left at that level.


PvP has more rewards then raiding and exclusive time limited rewards im not sure what you are getting at

When there is a legendary that can be acquired from PvP let us know.

Until then … Yeah, no.

MoP cloak if I recall right

I do not believe it was available via PvP only

No but it required it