Just give us flying already!

Flying is bad for the game.

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And please explain on how flying is bad for the game?


I saw your post earlier and meant to reply but was waylaid by silliness… One of the cruxes of the pro-flight stance is that flight is that flying can be done with a snap of the fingers… It took Blizzard, what? 6-8 months in WoD, after they announced flying, to actually make it happen? Bliz had to re-code the entire continent from what Ion told us, and there were numerous issues.

I’ll tell you what, show me that it’s as easy as flipping a switch. Because with the way Blizzard has done code in the past-- Well, you’ve heard the meme, “That’ll cost a raid tier.”


Opening the world while shrinking what actually matters, trivializing the ability to navigate and do world content, gives incentive for Blizzard to treat it like a convenience instead of an actual game mechanic that allows for progression, customization, and player agency.

I really really hope they delay flying for as long as they can. I mean is it even that bad? The FP’s are scattered around the map and all it takes is just a tiny bit of effort to get to your destination. Sheesh

Man, I just don’t get some people at times. They think the game has to be played the way they want it to be played instead of everyone having the option to play it the way they like…

Once again, who is the wrong people? You can’t even answer one simple question.

If that is true, lets remove mounts. Make people walk again.

Post of the day: “Make people play the game the way I play, not the way they want to play.”

That is what your post exactly sounds like.

It is exactly simple for people on the forums, especially a few in this thread. If they don’t want flying, then don’t fly. Nobody is forcing them to fly when they don’t want to fly.


The flight whistle is really all that anyone needs to navigate swiftly.

The argument for flight is an argument for convenience thinly veiled by the notion that it’s somehow the same kind of gameplay as anything else in the game.


Doesnt really matter how you spin this

The longer they gate it, the more will leave. Its really that simple.


You have no way of knowing whether or not that’s true.

What makes you think it’s not the lack-luster systems in BfA or the frustrating loot slot machine?

Can you explain why the lack of flying is more of a driving force for unsubs than anything related to less-than-stellar gameplay?


Man, I am not really going to go there and agree with you, but people leave for all types of different reasons, not just the fact of there is still no flying man. I just thought to clear that up.

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but people leave for all types of different reasons, not just the fact of there is still no flying man

As I heard this afternoon, when I spoke to a member of another guild who was about to cancel…it was what decided him.

BFA has been a series of mistakes…and people are just at the point where all it it takes is one more thing to push them over the edge…or where their friends are telling them WOW is finished and come join them in FF14…so they do.


No one said it wasn’t going to be what caused some people to leave the game.

You have no data to suggest that flying is the top reason for a majority of players, though.


Dude, seriously? Here, lets look at all this from post one:

Want me to continue on?

Every single post.

“Casuals are the reason why WoW is dying”
“The devs should stop focusing on flying”
“The devs catered to the wrong people”

My god, it just doesn’t end with you.


You say that like it’s going to stop them from repeating this rhetoric over and over anyway. lol


pseudo code

can_Fly = 0;

change to

can_Fly = 1;

simple value assignment change to the item can_Fly

This is literally a value. The magic value that changes at level 60 and you learn to fly. See wow could have us at fly at 40. Move the can_Fly to level 40’s upgrade.

Now what happens at 60 and you don’t buy this skill?

You don’t fly. YOU don’t, those who do buy it will fly. Wrath and panda will allow flying. Just not for you. UNTIL you flip your bit.

Same value that changes in legion. Get pathfinder…can_Fly changes to 1.

Now if blizzard tacks on other stuff…that’s on them. Programmatically this is as simples as a an object instantiation and something in the defining characteristics of the object is a simple value assignment to the flying characteristics.

0 for flying off, 1 for flying on.

I’d recommend loading up some SP games, tearing apart their data files and code. You will see it is often as easy as a switch. 0 or 1…off or on.

You will also see fun stuff like spaghetti code. And just how much junk data devs leave in there. And if they leave enough to the junk…you can turn it on. As, yes this can be as simple as a 0 or 1 switch to turn it on.

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Blizzard giving flying to players in response to outrage is the exact same reason why a stressed out mother gives their screeching toddler a candy bar so they’ll stop embarrassing them in public at the grocery store.

You know it’s bad for the kid, you know you’re only encouraging this behavior, but it’s an easy short-term solution when you’ve got more pressing things to deal with and just need the kid to shut up.

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Do you remember when boats were disabled in Wrath? Do you know why that was? When a Death Knight gripped another player on a boat, that player would go FLYING through the world at something like 3000% speed, only to land on an identical boat, buried under Arathi Highlands.

The truth of the matter is, Blizzard disabled the boats because they needed to understand how their own code worked, so players wouldn’t end up stuck/trapped. The identical boat, as it turned out, was used as a place to store player coordinates when they passed between EK and Kalimdor… So when a player was gripped on a boat, they were naturally sent to the stored location of their coordinates.

In terms of code, they likely used a “pointer” to point to the location of the stored data, but because they had not passed into the next continent, the location of that pointer had not yet been created, so instead, it pointed to the one node that existed, which had not been deleted (as what would normally happen when changing continents).


Lmao, that was funny those days.

How can they continue to implement their carrot on a stick troupe to get you to remain subbed if they just give in to your demands and give you your flying?

Silly elf

LOL, what else is there to say. Thin air. VERY THIN AIR!