Just give the alliance high elves already

Eww no, no more retcons just for giggles

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pffft but if it gives you your high elves why not

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Well no, for one the spiritual leaders were warlocks instead of shamans. That might not seem like a big difference but great deference is and was shown to the orcs’ spiritual leaders. It makes a big difference when an orcish leader goes to his adviser and the advice given is “Follow your heart and honour the Ancestors” and not “Kill them all and I will bestow upon you such power as you have never seen!” followed by several minutes of maniacal cackling.

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I… dont want high elves.

I mean did you actually think I was serious when I mentioned “a couple thousand years” time skip? But yea, no more elves is my stance


Don’t lie, we all know Henitai is super big helfer 2020.

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Belief in an ideology does not absolve one of responsibility for the actions one commits in its name, even if one thinks it does. The Mak’gora is the definition of personal responsibility. Tossing that by the wayside to smoke shaman or warlock opiate might be a thing many do, but, the option exists for any orc to say “this far and no further”. Not taking it is up to any orc. (Or, later, Horde member in general)

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It’s only personal responsibility if it’s a legitimate path. There is nothing supporting the idea that any orc could just show up at Blackhand’s death fortress, tell the guards he was there to challenge the Warchief to a fight to death and it would all happen above board.

Blackhand was a member of the inner circle of the Shadow Council, do you think the warlocks would just let him get merced like that?

Of course not. Which is why you wait until Blackhand is leading the army and everyone is watching to challenge him. An orc warlord that leads from behind doesn’t stay warlord long. He’ll leave his fortress often enough.


Yeah I’m sure anyone would just be allowed to get up close to the Warchief. Fun fact about the Old Horde, they were actively encouraged to go check the Warchief for lice and parasites to eat like an oxpecker. Blackhand famously walked around with no less than three random grunts pecking his forehead at any given time.

Curse this blue background
Pls dont be mad

I liked lord of the clans and arthas: rise of the lich king though.

I had been through this many times already. This guy refuses to ackowledge it as canon even though Metzen outright confirmed it.


Did you enjoy her weird dragon romance?

Yeah. I think i am either lucky enough to not have read this, our my brain is actively blocking out this memory.

You missed Jaina shacking up with a blue dragon?

Awww hell no!

Why’d you put that image in my head?

It went for several xpacs and was explicitly confirmed in-game.

Thanks, Christie!

Damn… i was skimming through quest logs and didnt put 2 and 2 together…

Explains why thrall failed to stop jaina from drowning orgrimmar and kalec suceeded in mop now…


New bae beats old bae.

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Hopefully post shadowlands with that time skip they write how the last of the high elves got killed while we were away so we can put this nonsense away for good because alliance isn’t getting belfs with blue eyes.

Logic: this group of people want something that’s been part of their group identity so the only way to solve this is to destroy it completely