What? When did they clarify, show me. I want a video of the writing team saying belves =/= helves. The only Blizzard final say info we have is Ion saying helves = belves. That’s as far as I’m aware, unless you send me my request or something similar.
that’s all that’s been said. that belves are helves. the rest is head canon. these people in general are my friends and i like them but a lot of it is headcanon.
We could have Void Elves get light aesthetics but they still need to be blueberries. There already exists options without tentacles.
You can already make a Void Elf look grey, and not really blue. The slight blue hue still exists on the most grey skin option, but it’s already there. It exists.
Void Elves can get expanded options and they will get expanded options.
Just as Blue Eyes for Horde are making the Alliance Helf crowd unhappy, Blizzard will probably make Velf options for the Alliance and it’ll make the anti-Ally Helf people mad. Trades.
If only the thread could end on this.
The new Mogu Clan is not that crazy.
We’ll agree to disagree here. I find Vrykul quite interesting. Only problem is that’d bring Odyn to a faction and that might be unbalanced. (Even though the Horde already has weaker leaders and pull stunts that makes them look like dumb so…)
My new blood elf will be a high elf who secretly works for SI:7 but has managed to join the Shattered Hand that the horde uses nowadays. Going to be some great story there.
Honestly, high elf, blood elf?
they are just humans with glowing eyes tbh…
since they are even making them more human like with the new appearances they are adding
Just give the alliance a slap in the face already.
Woops, that slipped. Sorry guys.
honestly i think nightborne in general look so much better than nelves. i’d like more options ofc but the ones we do have are nice.
It’s ok, we’re good at taking them and letting the horde get away with it.
Eh, nightborne have all the ugliest parts of the stereotype of elves… and barely any of the good parts.
i feel like my face keeps getting slapped
why cant blizzard just add the alliance race we really want? kobolds of course
Oh I 100% agree. ESPECIALLY the males. NE males are probably my least favorite race / sex in the game right next to things like gnomes and what not.
nightborne are the coolest looking elves imo. i’d race change my DH to a nightborne if i could. i have a belf and nelf DH and i don’t like how they look nearly as much.
Sure if you want the worst type of elves go ahead!
the nightborne males look SO MUCH BETTER than male nelves. male nelves are an abomination. -.- i’d like to have something else than a nelf DH for alliance but we can’t.
317 total NPCs tagged as ‘high elf’ and thats ignoreing the reoccuring generic ones like “7th Legion Battle Mage” which only counts as one of the 317 but is used multiple times.
Thats a lot more than 30
I would very much like to see high elves given to Alliance or at least a customization option for Void elves. Please, our population is already dead, we kind of need some love <3
Well start having them your
but instead of a racehorse pretend that’s a donkey.
Don’t play alliance much so can’t confirm. Plus my allies are all on Proudmoore.
The population overall is like 51% alliance 49% horde. That includes inactives though. That it still feels really balanced to me though, but I’m basically looking through just one lens.