Just give the alliance high elves already

We shouldn’t get undead. Lf draino should be skin option for normal draino, and give eredar to horde.

Things could have been better. Like hm tauren being one click of horn option away from a tauren customization.

Krokul are pretty cool. I literally did a cointoss between it and goblin in our Warcraft PnP. I’d love them as an allied race, too.

That was the whole point of Allied races, it was to offer different variations of allready existing races. Which is exactly why Hore should have got Gilblings and not Vulpera.


Completely irrelevant. Stop asking to give Alliance a Horde race.

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i just want a draenei warlock and rogue and blizz is super stubborn about this because reasons. :frowning:

Yea, but look how many like vulpera as opposed to just painted races.

Missed opportunities.

They’re demons not undead. And they’re the top-dog race of the burning legion, they ain’t neva joinin the playable races list. Plus it’s those @!!hats that corrupted my people and made us lose our home >:( ­

Edit: New to the forums dunno the rules censored my post just in case

Humans and Orcs represent the main playable race for each faction. Sure Forsaken are Humans but they models are a big deal to how Blizzard balances the factions.

Thats why both factions are balanced all the time. There is no way the Horde would get living human models without giving the Alliance Orc models.

Alterac Humans for Horde, Mok’nathal or a clan of Orcs for the Alliance.

“Orcs hate humans.”

Well… Humans hate Orcs.

“Yeah well we can convince Alterac Humans to fight for the Horde to give their land back.”

Well… We can convince a clan of Orcs to get revenge against the Horde. Say maybe some in Outland? The Dark Horde is still not allied wholly with the Horde. According to Lore not all of the Blackrock Orcs of Azeroth joined the Horde under Garrosh still. Only many of them did.


Noones asking that, we are asking them to give Alliance, an Alliance race.


I said no undead to lightforged undead on alliance. Some want it, I think it’s silly.

About as silly as the lightforged dreadlord in my order hall. :rage:

Forums edit if you copy the entire previous post.

To me this seems like the best compromise.

i’d be down for alliance orcs tbh. :stuck_out_tongue:


They’re already on the horde. Giving them to the alliance as well would be a :clap: SLAP :clap: IN :clap: THE :clap: FACE :clap:

Orcs on alliance are like orcs without giant shoulderpads and spikes. It’s just wrong. Same with Horde humans, besides undead ofc.

says the horde nelf. XD


Coming fromthe Horde Nightelf?


Heresy. That’s just wrong.

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I could go on this gigantic shpeal about how blood elves are high elves and all this other nonsense - but I’m not going to.

It’s not going to happen. Blue eyes are going on blood elves. That’s the end of that. I suggest you bring back one of your megathreads so I can sit here and ignore that one thread as opposed to constantly having to ignore a bunch of spam threads.

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…And the Horde is waiting for them when they choose to play as a high elf.

what i actually wanted was DID to be horde so i could just go down to one faction but allied races peed all over that. so.

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