Just give me a lil' more for Void Elves, please

Well…you’re wrong about that. High elves were never ‘supposed’ to be an alliance race.


It never was :kissing_heart:, thanks for admitting it.

Objectively it was on my end until you started trolling, and if your theory about “core high elf fans” is true, that’s something common, isn’t it? Or would you rather admit that each person equally want what they individually want?

Or is “core high elf fans” what you use to dismiss anything that looks unprofessional when someone agrees with you and isn’t quite the best of manners? Or requesting what YOU personally judge is the wrong thing.

Very ugh.

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Funny thing is your claim that “most High elf fans are asking for blood elf jewlery”.

Is outright proven wrong when you actively stated that you saw a few one time say otherwise, yet refuse to see what the “high elf fans” are actually and actively discussing in the blue post at this moment.

So what you’re really saying is, all you do is go around spreading misinformation in non-megathreads, because you know all your arguments can only be accepted by people who aren’t close to the issue. :kissing_heart:

It has not been.

Have a nice day, selective bias personified.

It has, since you’re not there right now, saying they’re wrong, and instead you’re hear crying foul at lies.

So cute when bitter bettys lose the ground they never had. :revolving_hearts:

You must be insecure in your argument to resort to base animosity.

I guess sometimes it really is just as it seems.

Not at all, i’m flat out right, because i’ve seen the request for void elf customization.

While you’re here complaining about the one time you saw “high elf fans” asking for blood elf jewelry, when the vast majority of the true “high elf fans” are asking for different other things, but again, you’re over here and not over there, so tell me again where your credibility is?

If you deny what clearly happened an actual couple seconds ago, I cannot rely on information that comes from you as stable/trustworthy/fair. It seems your bias causes much obvious disingenuity.

Sorry, there is no “the” request.

How do you know that?

Hey. You. How do you know that?

You personally veil every last forum post, you search void elf customizations in the forums every day and put on your reading glasses, start scanning posts. No, don’t think so and nice try. I’m not saying the things I’m saying for no reason, I know you’ve seen it, and you’re just being weird about it, and that’s why you’re getting upsetti spaghetti in every last post, because even you don’t believe your own trash argument.

This is wrong and strange behavior.

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So you just ignore the blue post where people are actively discussing customization for void elves, gotcha. -credibility.

"If you deny the people i cherry picked this one time to serve as the sad foundation for my argument that ALL high elf fans want my jewelry, you’re not credible, because i don’t want you to be.

Cause you said so kiddo.

When your entire argument is based on “trust me” and “i saw what i saw this one time”, you have no argument.

So we done here? :+1: :kissing_heart:

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agree with everything you said


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A post is not a command center, and does not hold a higher rank than others. Who taught you about life in general?

So quote it, like you haven’t so far.

Yes, yours is.

“What I frequently see and you have to be biased or blind to not see, something that anyone can walk out the door and perform for like 2 minutes to show that you’re a cheap liar”

Yeah, I’m not so sadistic to where I’ll kick someone while they’re down.

smears guacamole on forehead


That’s actually the entire, literal, point of a megathread, where most “high elf fans” would be discussing “high elf customization”.

Not that one time you saw those people that one time say that one thing that one time = The Basis for your entire tantrum. :hearts:

Actually my argument is based in a tangible blue thread that is the top of the forums right now, you should go check it out, since your pretending to be right when your flat out lying is getting sad. :rofl:

Good thing i’ve never been down, but it’s very like a sad horde kid with cherry picked opinions masquerading as his entire argument for pretending a group he hates and has no part in is actively trying to steal his shattered pearl necklace. :joy:

Ah, so selectively, you get to decide who’s opinion holds weight, and which certain people represent you, and which people that keep frequently popping up don’t. Gotcha.

Is this God to you?

You clearly are not confident in your argument to where you think flinging dung is a weapon. Tell me, do YOU represent your “core high elf fans”? Must be a rotten bunch if they’re all like you. Or… is there no such thing.

At this point, you’re wasting time and you’re already dragging it on to nonsense, have a nice day.

Kinda like what you did when you claimed all high elf fans want your jewelry based on what you saw one time?

And yes, it’s actually basic human logic to assume that high elf megathreads is where most of the concentrating of high elf requests would be.

That’s actually just added flavor and a long way of saying you’re wrong and deflecting. :hearts:

It’s never a waste of time to expose a biased and bitter anti who flat out lies about the high elf request, as you regularly do :kissing_heart:

Sorry, I only talk to true high elf fans, and anybody can decide what that is these days.

According to you to feed your narrative?

Yeah that’s probably right, but here’s a hint.

I’m actually in most of the high elf megathreads as well.

Sweetheart, it’s ok to walk away incorrect. :rofl:

Not all of them? Sorry, I only talk to TRUE, CORE high elf fans.

Hahaha, guess we are done, since you have nothing left constructive to say :kissing_heart:.

But i mean, we were done from the start, since you never had an argument that wasn’t based in your delusion. :revolving_hearts: