Just give me a lil' more for Void Elves, please


Blizzard give horde fel draenei then you can have the hair lol

I’d be ok with that is love for our faction to have that playable race for warlocks. But I’m also not a child who gets mad when someone else gets something so I’m also fine without us getting anything.

I agree that more customization is a good thing, but even before WoW the blood elves got pretty screwed over by the Alliance. That’s what drove them to seek out assistance from the Horde in the first place.

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Not giving Draenei and Orcs DH was so shortsighted of Blizz :pensive:


Oh yes. It’s wows well built and revolutionary pvp that keeps it afloat. How could I ever have forgot.

Yes also the blood elf left the alliance since in warcraft 3 so i dont know what this guy talking about

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Amen. Would have been amazing.

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I don’t disagree, but they were screwed by Orcs and Trolls as well :woman_shrugging:

Personally don’t like that the tensions between races was never really explored tbh. Also the breaking of relationships such as Night Elves & Blood Elves. Tyrande was chill af with Kael’thas so it was off-putting to see the relation suddenly nulled.

Feel like a lot of potential stories are pushed aside for the Horde and Alliance story focus vs. racial stories.


It’s weird. I agree that people getting to play the characters they envision is ultimately a positive addition. I’m just pointing out that losing some of the uniqueness and nuance in the lore is sad; it’s not like Blizzard doesn’t change things all the time, though, so I’m not too broken up about it.

The prince of lordaeron wipe out 90% of the high elf then the alliance send the blood elf prince on a suicide mission then jail him left to dead then the undead help rebuild silvermoon i dont see the blood elf/high elf ever wanting to join alliance there u go on lore

Dude I really don’t think you and I will have a constructive conversation after the slinging you did above. Sorry.

No you guys just want stuff adding to the game with 0 lore this game will become like those crappy mmo and u seem to not care for sure

I totally agree. There is a lot of potential for interesting and nuanced storytelling, but Blizzard seems focused on black and white faction conflict. The morally grey areas of the different factions and races in some of the older lore is what made them interesting, but I think Blizzard has tried to streamline a lot of stuff to make it easier to handle.


Funny enough, you can see them getting a little better with this if you do the Alliance war campaign and see the involvement of the Void Elves. There’s distrust and the dude is really REALLY trying to put the Void Elves in a good light with his efforts.

Then they finally started adding in the filler text from NPCs (in I think it was 8.3) to reflect how the populace is feeling with the current situation. It’s the little things that make a huge difference in the immersion of the story.

Maybe after SLs they’ll slowdown with the story a bit and focus on world building. I’m reading Shadows Rising and there are a few things and tidbits that I really wish they would have put into the game.

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Just what did you do to ‘deserve’ that?

Well they are supposed to be an alliance race so I’d say its deserved that they are finally getting the race they should have gotten if it wasn’t for the fact no one played horde back then.

Stop. There’s no such thing as that. There’s no overarching authority on it. I have seen what I have seen commonly requested, and you have too. Thank you.

So your tantrum is solely based on a few opinions you cherry picked from what you choose to see.

Vs the people who actively and to this day discuss the topic of customization on the megathread.

Gonna have to try harder to pretend that high elf fans wanted your jewelry then, or do you just enjoy losing credibility?

This conversation is no longer productive.