Just give me a lil' more for Void Elves, please

Nightborne doesn’t look like a complete copy and paste of night elves

To be fair high elf people mostly didn’t want that either. Lol

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Yea you got the lore all wrong but I’ll humor you anyways, all of the reasons belfs joined the horde were written only because no one was playing the horde back then so they shoehorned a good looking alliance race over there so people could have a good looking toon on the horde or they would never have been there to begin with. Now the faction imbalance is the other way and giving both sides the options to look like helfs isn’t going to be the end of the world.

Just enjoy your void elf you will never get high elf just void elf

Why would I enjoy it I don’t even have a void elf I much prefer blood elves? Is it just because I don’t care how other people play the game or what they look like while doing it but you do or something?


Its gonna be weird fighting against the same elves in bg if they all look the same some uniqueness is needed

Well don’t worry Blizzard makes the armour colors different for both so it will be a none issue to spot the enemy elves.

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Simple blood elf are like blood/sun, void elf dark those customization wont fit in lore at all if they give both elves

Give em a different stance and take the twirl away? Iunno. In BGs if they’re red they’re dead, it’s not hard to tell who’s your enemy when their nameplate shows as much.


Lore wise they are the same as they are now, the customizations are just for people who want to looks certain way to enjoy their class but regardless of if they choose to look like a helf they will still be belfs and velfs so it’s a none issue, unless there’s some other reason you just don’t want people to be able to look how they want while playing.

soon you guys will be asking to get to starting zone be silvermoon the spam will never end its been going for over 10 years lol

Imagine thinking I’m a HE requestor.

i see the same persons over and over spam about high elf blizzard gotta remove spam now

I love this argument. I like to wave at it as it passes me by.

GW2 pvp is entirely the same races against one another… Somehow I think you’ll get along fine.


Show me a post where I’ve asked for HEs please.

I’ll save you the trouble. I’ve asked for HEs exactly 0 times. I’ve been pushing for more VE options, that aren’t blueberry.

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thats why guild wars 2 suck and wow is still the top mmo <3

I can show your pal there like over 100 post about it


The best part about the argument of them looking the same is I don’t think this guys knows they are adding tons of customizations for both elves to have black skin, brown skin etc…so already many of them will look the same. Its only the helf options that seem to be an issue for some reason isn’t that crazy almost like there’s an alternative motive for them being so against it.


Also you guys seem like forums keyboard warriors cause your post are over 4k damn