Just give me a lil' more for Void Elves, please

I’d expect some new hair color options in a unique way once they work on allied races. I’m not saying we need Red tentacle void hair, some normal options though too that are void elf only hair styles. Mostly blonde i’d imagine.

I think the one color blood elves would hate losing would be red. I’d be OK with Red for horde only hair color. I don’t really get why people are so bothered giving void elves ANY options that they actually want.

Now, I don’t think they should get paladin or druid. Would be cool just because I like classes having options especially with Void monsters and their connection to the void. Would be something really unique.

This is an expac giving tons of options for all races, not sure why void elves should be restricted in this way by constantly telling them no, hopefully blizz doesn’t listen to those sorts of negative things because there’s not a real reason why they shouldn’t if they give them new skin tones. If we were to do that, then Blood elves shouldn’t have gotten better beard options and left that to only Void elves or blue eyes.

Maybe give void elves some Void scars on their face, some sort’ve effect on their body since everyone’s getting body things like rune tattoo’s and body jewelry, flowers in their hair and ivy etc.


Meh. I just skimmed through and saw some not very civil posts. I haven’t been paying a lot of attention, though. Just enough to notice the Antis vs. Anti-antis arguments.

It is nice to hear that it has been mostly civil, though.

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Hopefully Blizz makes the right decision and allow the blood elf hair colors to be used by the VEs at the very least.


Pure black is already confirmed, but white, brown and blonde would be nice to have.

I want more unnatural hair colors too, pink, light green, light blue.


Sweet!!! I didn’t know that, I mean, like I’ve said before the skin tones make a massive difference and the hair colors we have don’t look bad with the new skins. But I’m definitely glad we’re confirmed at least ONE normal color, I’ll still hold out for a darker brown, but eh.

The void tentacles or effects wouldn’t ever change color, it’d just be the hair around the tentacles that changed color. Personally if we aren’t to receive any normal hair colors beyond pure black, it’d be great to give us a toggle to shut off the tentacles and or Void particles at least for those hairs.


There’s literally more Jinyu than High Elves in the Alliance. If anything you should have them going by that logic. Like 95% of the High elves either died or went Horde under the names Blood elves after the Alliance alienated them in their time of need for succumbing to fel addiction after the Sunwell was tainted…

Nah, fake news is where you ignore established lore to push your desires in vanity…

At least admit you’re a High elf fan boy, come on, even the other guy had the cajones to post on their Void elf…


I’d love if they added light pink/purple!


Lol love horde fanboys thinking they know lore, rather than admitting all they do is regurgitate the “ugh more elf threads” opinion to fish for likes.

There’s more High Elves than Void elves, void elves are playable.

Hell there’s probably more high elves than the few groups of Mag’har that managed to make it through the portal to durotar, mag’har are playable.

Sweetheart let’s not pretend we know lore, just keep telling yourself you’re mad at high elf fans for asking for high elves out of whatever horde bias you’re pulling your rage from, it’s more honest than pretending the game ever had your back on Alliance High Elves who have been around and have had a presence in the Alliance and their conflicts since Vanilla.


They should at least get adjustable ear size, black and white hair colors, and blue underwear and nail polish on the new skin tones.

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I’d say it’s almost a certainty that the ear size options will be made available to Void Elves at pre-patch.

I’d also say it’s fairly likely that some new hair color options are also made available to Void Elves at pre-patch.

Beyond that, I’m skeptical of anything else. Not to say they won’t get more stuff eventually , just that I think Void Elves may have to wait for things like hairstyles, tentacle toggle, jewelry, tattoos/scars, etc.


Nah. I consciously chose Horde at the beginning and still do. I didn’t even play blood elves until a few years ago. I noodle around with Alliance occasionally, but I find the overall Horde theme and aesthetic much more appealing.

I am bothered by the misuse of this word so I’m going to bring it up because why not?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where in the victimizer systematically goes about doing things that make the victim doubt their sanity.

I have seen none of that from the poster you are accusing. If anything you’ve been sealioning while people have tried again and again to explain things to you to the point of exasperation.

As someone who has lived through actual gaslighting abuse repeatedly, I feel that you should stop using this word in the context you’re using it in. Misusing it is actually dishonest, harmful, and it would be great if you stop using it incorrectly.


I thought we was getting Pale skin blue eye high elf skins? I wanted to make a highelf paladin come shadowlands is this not possible?

Why…would that mean you’d get the paladin class?


I thought they was adding paladins to void elfs to compensate us for wanting Highelves?

I understand this, and I’m not saying they are no longer considered Void Elves in the sense of lore.

I used that point, to illustrate that Alleria and other High Elf looking NPCs are still considered Void Elves now.

It’s a known fact that only 10% of the High Elves survived Quel’Thelas. About 8%-9% went Blood Elves. While about 1-.75% remained as Alliance leaning High Elves.

While some High Elves were apart of the Void Forging to become Void Elves, the vast majority of them were Blood Elves.

But overall Void Elves are at most like .25% of the populace between the 3 of them, as they are described as “Alleria’s crack team of Elves” by Ion at their reveal, and I believe the official website says the same thing.

We literally only see a handful escape from Yrel’s Light forged army, as they try to forcibly indoctrinate the Mag’har. I can’t imagine that more of them made it out, then there are of High Elves and newborn High Elves currently. Granted some Mag’har are actually in Azeroth before their introduction, like Garrosh. So you never really know with that in mind.

I’m not saying Cezol wasn’t being a bit condescending or anything, but he did make valid points.

As of now, we get eye colors and skin colors, but no Paladin class, and no hair colors. I honestly don’t think we will get a Paladin class.

Let me rephrase then, the High Elves have been established as being part of the alliance since their inception. This is not a new concept; we also know that Shadowlands is allowing players to be sub races of a race through options, to give us more variety. So even if the mouse over says Void Elf, it still isn’t lore breaking to look or pretend that one is a High Elf.

Zandalari Paladins on the other hand, are a rather new concept that didn’t come about until around MoP, and later became a class for them due to constant whining due to the Prelate mobs essentially. As PTR didn’t include the Paladin class for Zandalari, which several people seem to forget.

I also, have been through this, and I’m not mis-using the term. The poster in question has literally accused myself and others incorrectly of this term when it was brought up exactly how a skin or hair color breaks their sense of identity, as a defense mechanism when I asked if that meant the new skin tones also broke this sense of identity.

By trying to spin it to where someone is/looks toxic, or say so and so is psychologically abusive, just because

  1. They want attention
  2. They don’t actually have any kind of logic behind their sentiment, so they deflect instead of potentially looking bad.

That by literal definition is gaslighting.


Ah, yeah I do not disagree with you here given the recent announcements.

We don’t have ANYTHING that indicates how many high elves chose to be alliance loyal. it is entirely theoretical.

his points are invalid because nothing is ever stated in regards to numbers. What we see in game is not an accurate portrayal of how many maghar/high elves/ jungle trolls are present.
Just as goldshire is a big city, but it shown to be a tiny town in game. Never go off game representation for lore arguments.

Except for the part where the high elves left the alliance, and where we meet multiple high elf npcs that are not a part of the alliance. It cannot be argued that the high elves are always alliance in any soprt of way.


Gas lighting is a form of psychological manipulation, and it would require you to be questioning what is or is not real in terms of your behavior. This is not gas lighting mate. It is simply a form of spite.

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Pfft stop crying about Elves!! Play a Blood elf if you want an elf that looks exactly like one. You have something that is almost like them in the alliance. They are VOID elves, not blood elves, it doesnt even have sense (because alliance betrayed the elves and then those same elves betrayed the horde and joined the alliance) but they did it so the alliance can have helves too. Now embrace it, WoW is more than elves.


Actually this is the literal definition of gaslighting, Karen:


  1. (To) manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.
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