Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

In other words, a Pyramid scheme. They also won’t be “getting” anything out of it, ever, because it’s already bankrupt due to all of the mooching and insolvency.

Wrong. It allows them to hire more people. More funds = more resources to go into development or paying a larger workforce. All of which grows the business.

Bernie Sanders is an idiot. The man doesn’t even know what “Socialism” really is, seeing as he claimed Scandinavian countries were “Socialist”. The lunatic literally believes that breadlines are a good thing.

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Actiblizz sues the new red shirt guy. He appears in court representing himself
Judge asks for his opening statement
Picks up a stack of blank papers from his desk, shuffles them around, then places them back down
Actiblizz lawyers begin looking around nervously, whispering to one another in a huddle
Red Shirt Man stands up from his seat
Deathly silence falls over the courtroom
“Is this lawsuit an out of season April Fool’s joke?”
Actiblizz lawyers are audibly shocked, some fall back out of their seats, others run out of the room in fear, one particularly shriveled attorney dies of a heart attack on the spot
Judge immediately bangs his gavel
“I’ve heard enough. I hereby find the plantiff, Activision-Blizzard, in contempt of court. I won’t let you make a joke of the United States legal system.”
Everyone in the gallery stands up and applauds
A bald eagle flies in through the window and perches atop the flag, shedding a single manly tear
Bobby Kotick himself is consumed by hellfire as his unholy contract with Satan expires


People are more interested in unabashed ignorance then actually have a conversation based in facts. Like the people who keep saying Blizzard was hyping Diablo for Blizcon despite them actually telling people they were not going to get the news they wanted.


What exactly should the CEO of a multi million dollar if not billion dollar corporation be paid? Why do people feel that well educated people should not be paid accordingly? I would bet dollars to pesos all the people whining the guy is over paid would not be saying that if it was them getting that salary.

Here is something to think about. Hypothetically if said company brings in 100 million a year it would make sense that the person in charge of everything would get at least 1% of that at a million dollars. People get hired and fired all over the world daily, do you cry for all those people? If the corporation lays off 800 people that’s there decision to do so, the people in these industries know full well no job is safe forever at any level. Not to mention the ones let go most likely got healthy severance packages.


Well fitting jeans and a t-shirt of all things make someone a tosser? Damn who hurt you lol

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Wow… just wow. I just heard the news and I still can’t believe it. What a very underhanded thing to do. I hope they had an extremely good reason to fire him, but I highly doubt it.

I was more upset when we lost ornyx, the true goat

Sometimes the truth is toxic. Get over it.

First read a financial statement. They had record revenue because of two things. They didn’t spend enough on new game development and they benefited from changes in tax law. The failed to invest in games for 2019. CM get layoff when you don’t have any NEW games coming out.

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When did Blizzard make a new game? Let’s see Overwatch in 2016.

3 years later and still nothing. They announced that they will have no new IP for 2019.

Blizzard is going nowhere fast. This company is dead in the water. Thanks Activision!

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Pathetic Fanboy or related to some higher up?

No, just someone that reads forum posts, and watches news articles about it. Some people… believe it or not actually care about the game they pay their real life money to play, and like to know about what’s going on with it.

So they read things like patch notes, dev posts, or things like youtube coverage from well known and fairly respected streamers.
Even more so when it’s a game or franchise you have invested your time and money into for years.

Being educated on something doesn’t make you “some pathetic fanboy”. It makes you a person that wants to know what your money and time are getting you, and what to expect in the future.

But hey, if details don’t matter to you… then by all means go out and buy a brand new car that you know nothing about. And don’t read any of the reviews that tell you the car has a catastrophic defect that makes it explode as soon as you close the door and start the engine. Cause you know… you don’t want to be “some pathetic fanboy”.

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If they are “already paid for” then how the hell are they nearly bankrupt? Outside of the fact the government failed to actually save the money we paid into the system, they are paying out far more then they collect.

Oh I agree that we have far to many pet projects out there that should have been cut long ago but you can’t expect the military to maintain combat operations in three different countries at the same time, maintain security forces on two different continents and the various peace keeping missions without out it costing something. Want less money in the military budget, tell the government to stop deploying them all over the world.

To an extend I agree with you there but when a faction attacks you and then said country protects them, they get what they get. I was totally not in favor of Iraq and our stated mission is Syria was a questionable one at best.


Oh, you think the Social Security that get’s drawn out of your paycheck is the same Social Security you’ll get when you retire? That’s rich. No, you’re paying someone else’s retirement, and presumably someone else’s Social Security payments will be paying yours when you retire. As someone else said, it’s a Ponzi scheme, essentially. I’d much rather keep my Social Security payments and invest them in my own retirement plan, than trust the government to not screw me over somehow.


Yep, I feel the same way. Don’t get me wrong, I am sorry he lost his job, but I am sorry everyone they laid off lost their job. But I never saw much from him that wasn’t snarky and condescending to the playerbase, so I am not so sure getting rid of him was a huge mistake.

No. Because, by statute, they’re ineligible.

Yeah… that’s why we see headlines of “{{companyName}} reports record profits; lays of {{number}} of workers”.

And I hate to break it to you, but even the International Monetary Fund admits trickle-down is a scam. Sorry you’ve bought into it, but that does not change reality.

Trickle-down is based on the fantasy that somehow you can build a pyramid from the top down. You can’t. You build it from the base up. You cut out that base and the rest of it comes crashing down.

No. They’re DEMOCRATIC Socialist. There’s a major difference that apparently you are unable to grasp. Essentially countries that are Democratic Socialist, which includes most of Europe, is Capitalist but with controls. Certain things are off-limits and things that hurt people are banned.

Here in the US it’s the opposite. Because our politicians are bribed by corporations worshiped like golden calves. Everything is done to their benefit and the people be damned. That’s why a company can raise the price of a drug needed for survival by 1053% taking it from $57 to $600 as we saw Mylan do with Epipens willy-nilly.

Yeah, they made other people’s taxes go up. IRS reported that as of now, refunds are down 8% from last year.


Apparently not, judging by all of the mooching.

You’re taking the exception and trying to make it into the rule.

I can put a smiley face on a picture of Stalin or Hitler, and they would still be monsters.

No. No. Slapping a nice-sounding word in front of something evil, doesn’t make it “good”.

None of those are Socialist. They don’t have a command-economy, like National Socialist Germany or Soviet Russia. They have a market economy with a hefty welfare state (that is currently going bankrupt due to overspending).


This really sucks… its like having a member of your family just suddently kicked out.

And neither are relevant topic. Stalin was a Marxist, not a Democratic Socialist. And National Socialism was not actual Socialism seeing as it actually rejected Marxism and Communism/Socialism as a whole.

See, you just see the world “Socialism” and jump versus actually learning the differences are. Education is always a good thing. You should try it.