Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

Everyone WM ON and we shall hold a march rally for our fallen fran!


Well this is crappy.

Barking up the wrong tree. That ‘useless suit’ is a new CFO hired on and the 15 mil was his rewards package for doing so (mostly stock). He isn’t some company veteran that took all the money for himself leaving scraps for everyone else.

Socialism doesn’t change just because you put the word “democratic” in front of it.

Yes it was. Everything in it was based on Marxism, blatantly.

Ah, yes, the accusation of “ignorance”. How typical. I’m done with you.

Why are people even talking about socialism? This is a video game for crying out loud.

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There is not a single true statement here.

They didn’t fire Ythisens, they laid him off. Yes, there is a huge difference.
They didn’t give the new CFO $15 million, they have him $3.2 million and a bunch of stock options that are worthless if he doesn’t do his job well.
You have no way of knowing yet if he’s “worthless”. A CFO’s role can drastically change the direction of a company, for better or worse.
2018 was the best year for Acti-Blizz in terms of revenue. Profit and revenue are different. It was definitely not their most profitable year.
There are other CM’s too. While I was fond of Ythisens and am sad to see him go, “best” is a subjective term. Some people thought that he was overrated and never talked about anything relevant to the game.

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Every “active” CM over the last several expansions has followed the trend of starting off very active for a short time initially to get in the community’s good graces, then immediately falling off and responding to nothing that matters. Ythisens did it. I think it was Ornyx before him. I think… Lore before that? I think there was a bit of a gap between Lore and Ornyx though.

I’m well aware that the CMs do stuff behind the scenes too, including bringing feedback to the devs at times, but they’re universally bad at communicating even that much. Even if they don’t have anything of substance to say, saying “I’ll bring this up the ladder at the next meeting” or whatever would go a long way (but obviously any followup on that would have to be approved by someone higher up).

Yeah… an anti-communist government was communist.

Actually, yeah it does. Because, as I said over and over and over, Democratic Socialism is CAPTIALISM (you know what Capitalism is, right?) with controls.

Oh, and feel free to stop using such evil, socialist things like your local police and fire departments. In case of emergency call a private ambulance you drive yourself to the hospital, not the socialist EMS. Oh, and if you live where it snows, ask your city not to clear your street with its socialist snow plows.

Actually they do… he was their CFO before.


Not gonna lie, wish I was was that worthless suit they were giving 15mil to.
Then again I’m more akin to the guy(s) they let go in terms of being Jobless :frowning:

No, that’s Capitalism.


Honestly after 2 days worth of posted replies and not ONE is “Okay, Bellular.”

Preemptive reply to the vitriol that’s sure to follow.

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Didn’t the new CFO work for Blizzard before?

Also, the whole no releases in 2019, and even the layoffs may have been planned 2 or more years ago. Even the decline in stock price, debt repayments, and Bungie severance might all have been timed to save Acti-Blizz big money.

How? There’s been a lot of high level turnover in the past couple years, could be the stock price had to decline by a certain amount to avoid paying compensation to now retired/terminated employees. Other financial criteria(like debt, gross income, gross salaries for whole company) might also have to have been under certain levels to avoid big payouts to now gone employees.

The new CFO might have even been the one that helped structure and time these changes so that this year and next Acti-Blizz saves $100 million or more in compensation. If so, the new guy deserves a tip of the hat and his share of the trimmed fat.


That is rich considering the 1% own more wealth than your average joe. My mom is a teacher. She has to work two jobs and we barely scrap by. I switched from a full time college student to part time just so I try helping to put food on the table. And for the record, I don’t really want to have politics in my video game space, however, firing a community manager and 15mill in stock options to some sleezy suit is bad form… hence why the younger generation doesn’t see capitalism in a good way. My parents and my grandparents didn’t have a problem with it because inflation wasn’t as bad. Did you know that of all the 1st world countries America has the highest rate of infant deaths? and that we spend more on healthcare than any other country. Why? Capitalism, running amuck. If there were rules in place to prevent the shannigans at acti-blizz everyone would be happier and we would have a better a game. Now, the argument is true that pure socialist mindset would hurt innovation and if the United States was pure socialist we might not even have Blizzard or WoW. With that being said, moderation is the key.


The world would had been a better place without blizzard .

Capitalism gives every one the opportunity to become independently wealthy depending how much effort each person is willing to put forth. Socialism means everyone can be poor together.


The problem is, there are people who do put in the effort, but they never climb the social-economic classes.


Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. Life isn’t meant to be “fair”.


I’m vegetarian, I’d rather we compost the rich.