Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

Please, most of the Western world can be cheap on military spending because the US ‘decides’ to be the policemen of the world. Everyone is perfectly fine with crapping on US foreign policy, when it’s basically allowed them to pass the proverbial buck onto the US for decades. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love if the US divested itself from foreign issues, and let them handle things themselves, but we’ve already seen how that turns out.

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I know this is off topic but yeah, OW has been starting to decline but it isn’t due to heroes being released (honestly, they should ease up on it and add more maps because in a fps, maps imo are better than needing tons of new heroes). Also, they have yet to fix the major issues with Comp mode that have been going on since the end of season 1. They care too much about their OWL to care about the people who actually keep the game going so they haven’t touched comp mode in ages.

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it wasnt casue of new heroes.
just that the lack of balance (they refuse to do more frequent # tunings and their healer balance? lets just say if u mention mercy on forums you’ll likely be reported for trolling) and the scarcity of new heroes (especially in tank and support roles)

Wrong. It is only 16% of our total budget.


Have you noticed who our President is?

They can get quite a bit more greedy.

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You’re confusing socialism with communism. You want to see socialism in action? Go up to Canada and check out how many medical bankruptcies the Canadian people suffered from last year and then compare it to the US.

Socialism is a programmatic spectrum. Not a political system.

Welfare is socialism. Unemployment is socalism. Social Security is socalism.

So is the US Highway System. Our public libraries. Public schools. Any bridge you have ever driven over. The sidewalks. The initial rollouts of the US electrical grid and our water infrastructure. Every light rail system in any major city you’ve ever been to.

THE INTERNET. The internet was invented through cooperation between DARPA and several US universities in CA and MIT. The decision was made to release it to the public on the government’s dime because they thought the technology would be a huge boon to society. Private enterprise didn’t invent the web.

You reap the benefit of socialist programs every day. Too much socialism is a bad thing but so is too much capitalism, as we found out at the expense of our Yak.


some reasons they exaggerate every thing or flat lie. fits thier made up agendas and grabs attention

Excuse me but google images do not at all conform to your allegation. That’s public info, bud.

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Because it is popular to hate the “rich” and “stick it to the man”? That’s why these stories spread.

I don’t care if some guy made 15 million dollars if it was in his contract and he hit his incentives. I hope there is always a chance in this world for people to hit it big and live a stupendous life. That’s far, far better than everyone living poor working for the state.


Truly unbelievable. Just a big middle finger to all of us. Can’t wait for someone else to step up and do a great job just so they can get canned, too! Gotta pay for those yachts somehow!

In one decade Blizz has managed to go from being the pinnacle of game development to a turd that won’t flush.


Don’t care about the politics but its a shame that the company can’t get their acts together and produce good quality games to maintain their financial wealth and would rather layoff quality employees like CM Ythisens to reach that goal. I miss the old Blizzard, seems like every month Blizzard becomes more and more like EA.

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Mmmm yes fight with each other poor people, it’s how we rich entertain ourselves and keep ourselves fat and happy.

counts his stacks of gold

This isn’t meant o be inflammatory, it’s meant to knock some sense into those of you raging at each other. Your enemy is not each other.


But, as I pointed out earlier… it is already paid for. Go look at your pay stubs/W-2 and you’ll see it.


Maybe people shouldn’t say so many stupid things either.

It’s in “mandatory spending”. Just because it was “already paid for” doesn’t mean the money isn’t being taken out, it just means that it is pre-approved (like my six-month WoW Subscription fee). That doesn’t mean that we are spending nothing for it.

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It means it’s mandated by law and is not a part of the appropriations process like defense spending is.

You pay into it like a savings account. So yes, you are not paying nothing for it. I said that in my last post when I told you to go look at your W-2 or pay stub, assuming you have a job of course.


Most entitlement spending is through taxes. SS is a fraud, for instance, being a literal Ponzi scheme. They need more and more people to pay into the system to keep the top minority of users afloat.

Why do we need wow cms if everyone is quitting? You can’t have cake and eat it to. If customers leave that means cuts have to happen. And the current cfo saw to blizzards largest financial growth period. What has ythisens done?

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They already do. Immigrants pay in but they won’t receive anything.

Problem is people subscribed to an insane notion that giving rich people tax cuts makes everyone richer (spoiler alert, it doesn’t because trickle-down is a scam).

They just need to raise/abolish the cap on it or do something like Bernie Sanders’ idea of a sales tax on Wall Street.