Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

Have you ever even been to a Scandinavian country? I would assume not. Also, it’s only Norway that has any significant oil, not Iceland, Denmark, or Sweden.

Defense spending and “obligations” are choices the US decides to make instead of investing in its own infrastructure and population. The self-appointed policeman of the world shouldn’t play the victim because they can find the money to cause carnage and mayhem abroad instead of investing it at home like Scandi.


Well some people are not better than others. Maybe you should learn more about this subject.

You don’t listen to everybody. You just need to be smart and capable of knowing what to listen to.

You may want to google the words “opinion” and “facts” because I think you are confusing the two of them…


and I am here to tell you it doesn’t matter either or.

Corporate America by Gordon Gekko


Well to be fair, we do invest in both military and non military spending. Matter of fact the vast majority of our annual budget goes into entitlement programs, far more than we spend upon the military. A military I might add that the government has had at war for decades now. You can’t expect them to meet the demand our government places upon them without adequate funding.

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The suit received a 15M package that included close to 2M upfront and 13M in stock and performance options… still a large chunk of change for a guy that will do nothing to help our game. His purpose is to continue cutting, making the head red head Kotick more money and getting the stock back up.

Sadly this is the truth. They think they are being so rebellious with their pro-socialism messages. When they don’t even realize how good they have it.


They’ll probably read your post, on a toilet, next to a cabinet stocked to the gills with toilet paper. They have no idea. None.


1.5 mill for a CFO that does a lot more than you can imagine for the Company. The rest in stock options but that is based on his performance. Yes it’s a shame for people to lose their jobs, I can empathize but no need to spread more lies.

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It was a nice suit. Probably Joseph A. A. Banks.

You’re gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it.

Wrong. US Defense Spending is the vast majority of our budget. In 2017 our budget was $610 Billion for military. That same year China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, Britain, and Japan spent $578 Billion… combined.

So we spent 5% more on defense spending than the next 7 biggest spenders all together.

US Defense Spending


Oh nice, so the lucky guy has to survive 2 years without @%@$ hitting the fan. In my line of work it took maybe 8 years of messing up before a bunch of people died and people started asking how we can fix things better.

I was thinking of dropping what I sold of my Nvidia into Activision, but long term I’m feeling like I might be safer in just another mutual.

He’s also effectively COO of ATVI’s Esports . ATVI Studios and their Consumer Products division.

We should of seen the writing on the wall when he was appointed President of Emerging Businesses , consolidating 3 executive positions.


Most notably if the company’s finances do hit the fan he has to refund his bonuses back to ATVI.

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And in the same year we budgeted 1.17 TRILLION for medicare, 1.39 TRILLION in social security. The military made up a whopping 15% of the budget that year… While we were engaged in “wars” in three different countries while still expecting them to maintain security in EU, anti pirate activities around Somalia and our continued military support in Asia.

Sure we spend more than the other countries around the world, because we actually expect them to do something. I would be fine with no having our military out there fighting war after war after war but as long as the government continues that policy then they need to be funded to deal with the demands placed upon them.


You misunderstand me - I’m against the obscene signing bonus to the executives at the workers’ expense.

No, not our Ythisens :frowning:

Don’t know what you said, but that “Removed for Toxicity flag” is hilarious.

Blizzard IS toxic.


Yes, which are already paid for. They’re not “entitlements”. Go look at your W-2… you’ll see “Social Security Tax Withheld” and “Medicare Tax Withheld”.

No, because we’re paying corporate welfare to defense contractors. Like paying Abrams for Tanks the Army does not need… or even want.

Maybe we should stop messing in other counties’ business then.