Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

Everybody cheered when Bungie took Destiny away from ActiBlizz and went their own way. Now you cry when people lose their jobs.

GD has been filled with tears about mobile games. 78 jobs were cut by shutting down Z2Live, a MOBILE game studio in Seattle. Now we cry about people losing their jobs.

GD doesn’t want games designed around e-sports. A bunch of e-sports people lose their jobs. GD rants about people losing their jobs.

Cause meet effect. You just can’t please some people.


Apparently there’s a lot of people who aren’t aware the player base doesn’t have a say in who gets fired and hired, judging from the comments over the last twenty-four hours.

When it comes to hiring and firing? No.

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can we organize a march for our fallen forum cm?

I think the socialist economies of Scandinavia would beg to differ. As would our Neighbor to the North.

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This Company’s Decisions make me sick

Unfortunately, part of stockholding companies. They will bring someone in to push extra profits, and who ultimately could care less if they leave the rest in a smoldering heap.

It’s not a sustainable business practice to slash and burn, but they also don’t care. They want the money and will bail when it ends.

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Scandinavian countries that have a pretty large oil industry that (for the time being) subsidizes their little experiment, little defense spending, and next to no overseas obligations. Same goes with our neighbor to the north. Socialism and Communism always fail. Always. Capitalism is by no means perfect, but I’ll take an imperfect system over ones that are doomed to collapse.


They prefer the term “laid off” which is ridiculous. It was a firing. There were others who were also fired that we don’t even know personally. It wasn’t just him. Typical Corporate America practice to have record profits and can people right after. Maybe they’ll start encouraging their workforce to apply for food stamps like Wal-Mart and McDonald’s do.


Correct. Capitalism is not perfect, but t’s also the byproduct of a people that are free to trade their own goods (even their time and skills) for whatever they want. Only the most nieve think capitalism is some kind of top-down-heavy-handed system.

What happened at Blizzard is absolutely not the fault of capitalism but a byproduct of market forces and weak/greedy leaders. Blaming “capitalism” is like blaming sidewalk or dirt. It’s not a system like Marx or Maduro.

I feel terrible for the people that got fired. Thank goodness the employment opportunities are much stronger than under GW or BO. Ythisens needs to go grab the world by it’s balls and kick some butt out in the market.

(Doesn’t suck any less, but it’s an opportunity.)


Yeah let’s start doxing people everywhere. That’s going to end well for everyone… :roll_eyes:

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one of the 2 CMs of this entire forum that ever talked with us got fired. They fired the CMs that actually do their jobs.


Save it? It is clear they are not interested it saving their company. If they were they would listen to the players. To try to save the company the new CFO would tell that what the players are asking for and they would laugh at that and still not take the advice.

Which faction of player should they be listening to? For everyone one you point out, I could find one that feels differently. Want flying mounts, well I don’t. Think LFR is bad, well others don’t.

The only thing you can be pretty much sure of is players don’t know what is actually best for the game and instead just want what they think is best for them!

It is quite simple. Listen to the players that are part of the majority that have left over the past 10 years.

They started going in a different direction in wrath. That is when growth stopped and the decline started. As it got worse and worse more people left. Don’t cater to those that like the current system as they are a very small number compared to the 6+ million that they have lost.

Ever heard the saying “You get what you pay for?”

Not to mention the fact that this guy they are “overpaying” was their CFO from 2012-2017. Nowhere during that time did we hear as much, if any, noise about cuts, etc. We only heard it after he left and someone new took over.

Yeah, because we all agree on the same things and have a hive mind about what is best for the game right? The problem with player input is it tends to be so diverse that there is no one unified idea. For example some people hate the removal of master looting, while others like it. So want flying at max level, while others would rather it be removed entirely.

You can’t say “listen to the players” when they don’t agree upon a damn thing…


there is no reason to hate master looting. Don’t bring that up as an example when it is factually a better system to keep it in rather than remove it. Master loot could only be used in cases where every player is choosing to participate in it. If they didn’t want to participate in master loot they could leave and not miss out on anything.

Hook, line and sinker… See right there you showed why they shouldn’t be guided by player input, because there is no unified position upon anything. It is all a matter of personal belief and nothing more.