Just FIRED Ythisens And gave $15 MILLION to some SUIT

I wonder how many people will get this reference

Gimme Hotpockets/pizza/stuffed artichokes, red bulls on tap and iā€™d do it oh and ranch dressing and iā€™d do it and iā€™d give the majority of players what they want.

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stay gold ponyboy?

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Iā€™ll only make one comment on this:

I feel for the person, but I also remember a forum complaint that he ā€œonly replies in fluff threads.ā€

So based on the forum user perspective, the consensus was that he was not having much of a ā€œcommunity impact.ā€ I have no idea if this was something he did, or because Blizzard didnā€™t allow him/them to make replies on all of the ā€œhardā€ questions/issues that players posted about.

Either way, it painted a target on him if you going to ā€œcut costs.ā€

In fact, day after day Iā€™ve seen threads saying that the CMS here are pointless. Many of them may have even been by the same people who complain now, after said persons were let go (which is again, unfortunate.)

So if you look at this honestly, if WE thought that how likely is it that THEY also thought that? It may have been their polices which censored what the CMS did, but either way it ends up being the same result.

Then youā€™ll also remember that they ADDED a WHOLE MESS of MVPs; The MVPS have had quite a presence on the forums, so it seemed to me that the writing was on the wall? Even I applied to be an MVP.


Very few Iā€™d imagine! :smiley::wink:

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You ever thought it might have something to do with the person that got the huge bonus?

Theyā€™re a new hire, so unlikely.

Iā€™m not saying executives canā€™t get bonuses, but paying bonuses while you lay off people just feels wrong. I guess I still have a soul.


Haha Yeah :rofl::joy:

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Unsurprising to see Blizzard have fired the community managers responsible for maintaining the lines of communication between the playerbase and the developers, but have decided to retain the moderators who censor and delete things Blizzard disapprove of.


Canceled my subscription. They used to ask why, but nothing. I did it in a single click and there was no desire to understand why. I didnā€™t make a peon cry.
It begins with the Great Hungerer.
It ends in utter darkness.


Unfortunately, this is the state of America. I donā€™t believe this reality that the rich keep trying to enforce onto the American people will last though. Like Marie Antoinette, the 1% will face retribution for what theyā€™ve comitted, and what they continue to commit.


Can u link the tweet, plz

You seriously expect the average forum poster to know how a large business works?

Half these people would drown in the rain like a turkey.


They gave him stock worth and other deals worth 15 million, not money, as a hiring bonus to come backā€¦ Plus he was the guy who use to keep the budget working properly and they lost him to another company before. He was an experienced re-hire worth the investment.

Technically he got only received $3.75 million as a cash bonus according to SEC filings. He also got $11.25 million as performance-vesting restricted share units.

He canā€™t vest the $11.25 million of stock options until March 2020 & March 2021 and only if the company as a whole meets certain financial goals.

Meaning if he does his job and the share price goes up he stands to make more then just $15 million.


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For those who want a face to go with the name.

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its especially bad when the reason the game makes money is the raid team and art team and pve team and pvp team, not some business man in a suit.

When you are hiring a CFO to try and save your failing company billion dollar company, you donā€™t take resumes off ā€œmonsterā€ or reddit. You get the best you can because the future of your company might depend upon it. People are making a big deal over this hire but the vast majority of what she is reported to be paid is only opened up years later and only if the company reaches very specific marks.

It sucks that someone who was active here was part of those that lost their jobs, so my sympathy to them.

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You know, every time I read the title of this thread, the last word ISNā€™T ā€˜suitā€™.


Capitalism at least allows for the possibility that you can change your circumstance. Plenty of people have worked hard, put the time in, and made something of themselves. The same canā€™t be said for the fairytales that are Socialism and Communism.