Just downloaded Final Fantasy XIV Online

Maybe I played WoW too long, but that game, while graphically and musically impressive, is definitely not my cup of tea. I hate the instanced aspect, I hate the flying system, I’m not crazy about the combat, the dialogue is boring and longwinded. The overall lore isnt interesting. I have a Red Mage that about 61 and a 57 SAM. I cant go back.

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I’ve been wondering this myself. I’m to lazy to check out the official FFXIV forum but I someone doubt it.

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Yeah it is almost turn-based slow. I just couldn’t get past the yawns… And fans are like “you can skip all the cutscenes and watch them later!”
Yeah I can do that but I’m not sitting there watching the click click click cutscenes with no voice acting in a lot of it (Square could afford it if any other game can) and it’s … well… meh.
I can’t play a ff game without getting in the details but it was rather exhausting.
Gave it earnest effort and at about lvl 74 I unsubbed, and deleted the characters.

Everything is still just as slow as it was. All they did differently was give some classes a couple stacks of spells, much like WoW has already with warrior charges and such.
SWTOR is how you cutscene, not this anime game with half-assed cutscenes and some voice acting here and there.

“Ive been playing this 1 game for 13 years and am bored”

Probably because youve been playing a game for 13 years…


There is one thing about FFXIV that I will give credit for and how emotionally involved they made me with Haurchefant. I haven’t had a character hit me as hard as his did in a long time.

I really couldn’t get over the women cosplaying as creatures tho. I need beastly races to get immersed into games, not human with cat ears or horns attached to the head.

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I like the FF franchise…as a single-player game. FFXIV puts way too much behind microtransactions.

Glamour is the true endgame! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want a game with real PvP which rules out FFXIV. I don’t want a console port so no to ESO and FFXIV.

I’ve played a lot of MMORPGs…and WoW has really done it best, outside of EvE Online. Guild Wars I did it well as well.

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I wasn’t so I quit early. (Anime was past me except maybe speed racer).

Went back and having fun. Decided to go full anime making a pugilist / monk with a sub job of rogue / ninja till I can get samurai.

Do something completely new for me


Pretty sure that ESO was PC first and ported to console after :thinking: Why would that matter if they are good games though? What part of having a port to consoles would bring down your experience? Not trying to attack your opinion, but I am curious what the reasoning is if you don’t mind expanding.

I think that Guildwars 2 and ESO handle PvP in interesting ways. I remember a time when Blizzard use to take what worked with other games, trimmed the fat, and implemented it into their game. I think there are good systems in each of those games that would be interesting to see in WoW.


Honestly, this is what I thought Blizzard always did best. I never felt they were the best innovators, just amazing refiners.


The issue is one of focus. PCs have certain strengths over a console and PC games that I like focus on those strengths. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve a history with twitch shooters, but for RPGs I want a focus on strategy over action. Console games tend to focus on the latter.

I’ve tried ME, DA:O, Skyrim, and similar games. I just can’t get into them.


I can most certainly agree with that on a lot of things when it comes to WoW. Their innovation was how well they took what worked and refined it to be better than the competitors.

Ahhh, I think I get where you are coming from. The fact that games usually have to be streamlined to being “playable” on a controller and usually result in a very pruned PC experience, yeah?

I can understand that feeling.


Lemme tell you this. As much as I love FFXIV and give it so much praise over this, I don’t go on the WoW forums and preach it. I’m glad you’re enjoying it as much as I and others are but stop talking about it on the WoW forums about it already.

Gosh damn.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Yes :slight_smile:

When they do try to incorporate a lot of abilities it’s unwieldy going through the menus.

At some point development moves from “ok, it’s good they’re taking their time to carefully construct” to “Wow, this thing really is taking way too long and with fundraisers involved I am getting really suspicious”

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The Final Fantasy Online advertising budget must be pretty small if this is how they are doing advertising these days.

I would say it goes back to the beginning of gaming too though.
Text based / turn based fantasy games on computer v action based games on consoles (Commodore 64 v Atari 2600).

When I think computer only games, I think D&D influenced game.
When I think consoles, I think action games or arcade style.

I don’t raid anymore because to me, WoW raids are more arcade style with lots of movement v prepping outside of raid with say fire resist gear. I get others like and I am happy for them, but its not me.


I agree. It’s making me a little nervous and wary. I decided to stop following the game and wait until a hear about something major happening. I’m still holding out hope though!