"Just don't buy it. It won't affect you"

Maybe we won’t have to wait few years this time. They’ll add everything in TBC.

If that was the case they would already have done so in classic. It’s almost like they picked the boost specfically.

I never said anything is randomly happening. You’re misconstruing what I’m saying again. I can’t tell if it’s because you legit can’t understand my simple point, or if you’re just being intellectually dishonest because you want to boost your toons.

Blizzard could very well add more stuff to the store for classic. But it seems like we know the extent of it for TBC Classic. Maybe Wrath classic will have more.

You also haven’t explained why this is a problem. Vanilla had micro transactions. So now it’s on you to explain why the boost specifically is bad, instead of just “it might lead to something else”

Blizzard aren’t amateur.

Doing it in Classic while it was supposed to give a “Vanilla experience” would have ruin it and make more players leave the games especially the core playerbase.

Now, those players have invested so much time in theirs characters (like me) that we have no “power” or “pressure” because they know we won’t leave unless they try really hard to ruin TBC.


They have a track record of over a decade of adding more and more intrusive stuff. So that’s just following a pattern and making conclusions from repeated behavior. Sure there were a few micro transactions back in the day, but nothing that is impactful as boosting a character to near max level.
You could also ignore their behavior pattern and look at it purely from a business perspective. If this boost goes well there’s no way in hell they’re gonna say “yeah this boost made us a ton of money, lets not do that ever again.” And the people who will say WELL THEYRE A BUSINESS BLAH BLAH, yeah they are but that doesn’t mean every business decision is good for the game or that we have to be ok with it.

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Ziryus was pointing out that your “pattern” wasn’t being followed. His logic is fine, whether you agree with his points or not.

lol, honestly if this stuff bothers you, just don’t play. It really is that simple, its just a game, move on to another one.

Nope my pattern wasn’t referring to their release order of microtransactions, but their pattern of slowly introducing cash shop material. It’s pretty simple idk why you guys have such a hard time following a simple point like that lol


That’s a bad argument. We love WoW and want it to be the best it can be. And in the context of classic, we’d like for it to remain as it was back then and not filled with microtransaction nonsense since that’s how it was being advertised until recently. We being the people against this boost, obviously you’re free to disagree with that.

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Its not an argument, its literally fact, you don’t continue to buy things or services from a business you don’t like do you?

So people aren’t allowed to criticize business practices and speak about why they don’t like or agree with them especially when it’s going against something that was previously advertised. Yeah I’d rather not play with this stuff in the game, but I love this game and would like to speak up about why I disagree with this crap. It’s pretty simple. It seems that you don’t want anyone speaking unless they agree with you and that’s kinda weird.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, which means disagreements are allowed.

We are getting what was advertised for TBC. The announcement of the boost came with the announcement of TBC.

I’m sure others are getting a similar vibe from you.

Yeah disagreements are allowed, I never said they weren’t. In fact I stated earlier pretty blatantly that they were.

They advertised TBC, we got TBC with microtransactions. That’s quite a bit different and obviously subverts expectations on what we were supposed to receive.

You’re giving yourself that vibe. I’ve never tried to silence anyone or just tell them to move on. I’ve only tried to make my point clear to people who were misinterpreting. So if you get that vibe it’s your own fault.


Dude, folks are disagreeing with you, and you’re complaining about it.

People are misinterpreting my point. Trying to make my point clear and understood isn’t complaining.

And now the onus is on you to prove why boosting is bad. Sure you can argue they might add more stuff but once again it’s on you to prove why this is a problem.

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C’mon now, Ziryus… you’re just trying to silence him.

That reason alone should be enough, to not let that foot in the door for more microtransactions. But heres a few other points.

Boosting is bad because it lowers the investment time for bots between bans and getting back started farming. They’ll be even more prevalent than they already are currently. And with a much smaller world in Outland you’ll be competing much more fiercely with these bots for simple materials.

They’re appealing for casual players, but the most casual friendly content IS leveling. Raiding in classic was prety casual friendly but tbc definitely is not with the attunements needed.

It’s a bit pay to win with how profitable transmutes can be used to make money, also being ideal with a bunch of no gear toons able to feed off of eachother making it even more profitable.

There’s just a few

So your position is that boosting itself is fine but you are afraid of something that might happen in some future classic expansion.

Got it, so a non issue.