"Just don't buy it. It won't affect you"

So how does some one purchasing a boost on a character that will have no gold, no professions, blue gear and a level 40 mount, so they can participate in TBC because they didn’t care about classic effect you? Genuinely how does it effect how you play the game? Not just because it’s not fair to you. That doesn’t effect how you play the game? How is someone boosting going to change how you play or give you a disadvantage in some way?

People buying boosts does not affect you. What does effect you, is people doing things that actually effects you. Boosting is not one of them.

Are you serious? Botters can make so much gold so much faster if they don’t have to level to 58. It’s called spending money to make money. They are investing in their gold farming. Someone has a video on it and I can’t remember exactly who it was. If I remember I will edit and link it.

believe it or not blizzard bans bots. not frequently but they do it in waves.

the cost of making an account + the 2 month gametime (30$) + the boost (60$) to run a bot that will get caught in a month or less is not a good margin at all.

seriously think about it.

I have. I have seen the same bots exist for longer than their ban waves. The will STILL make tons more money than they would leveling in that short period of time. It’s not even close. You think about it. The math has already been done based on current gold prices and how much they stand to gain by NOT having to level.

we will see. i dont believe it to be the case.

you know just like how that first store mount didn’t go anywhere right?


Uninformed pro boosters at their best. 2 months of game time is $6, botters (mostly chinese) abuse south american countries economies being crap and make their accounts there. The boost will also be discounted in this same way. Bot banwaves are 3+ months to crack the ones that matter. You may have noticed consumes on AH spike and drop on this cycle. Seriously, get your info right then think about it yourself.

Also would like to add, the banwaves usually hit North American botters the hardest, chinese have way better bots these days that are privately developed by highly skilled people.


Then define what retail is.

I can’t wait for this answer. People really love to think their specific experience is the only mmo experience and any other must be invalid.

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As it is in retail right now, literally all that’s in the store is mounts and pets. Vanity items that have 0 impact on gameplay.

Not sure what the problem is.

I agree. I think the boost will greatly improve TBC. I’m looking forward to it.

In my opinion –

It is GOOD for players to point out POSSIBLE problems that the boost MIGHT cause in the future TBC expansion. That is good input to Blizzard.

Blizzard needs to be alert for these POSSIBLE problems, and figure out ways to handle them

It is bad for players to ASSUME that the only good (or the best) solution is to ban the boost. That’s crazy. What are the purposes of the boost? It is obvious that the boost does good things – important good things.

If you can’t balance good against bad, you can’t run (or advise) a business.

LOL at anyone defending these boosts. Like a 15 year pattern isn’t already laid out in front of you telling you exactly where this is going to lead. So again, LOL at anyone defending this bullcrap. That is all.


Oh so I guess blizzard shouldn’t be making TBC Classic, after all we wouldn’t want them to follow a 15 year old pattern.


The pattern is referring to their slow implementation of micro transactions you dingus. Not the game release. With your logic the boost shouldn’t be in the game still because it wasn’t part of original tbc.

And by that logic your pattern is still broken. Boosts in retail were added long after they added other store things which we aren’t getting in TBC Classic. Even tokens were added before boosts.

No, it isn’t. The pattern of slowly adding small things into the game which lead to more and more stuff being added is not broken. You’re taking it as me saying they’re following a certain order, which isn’t what I’m saying at all. You’re misconstruing.

Yes a pattern would imply that things happen in a specific you know pattern not that they randomly happen.