Just delete the DH class from PvP

There. Fixed your pvp issues.





You forgot Rogues and Locks also.


Dh is far more oppressive. At least locks die


I disagree on both


I mean the game would be a better game if

Cyclone was removed from the game
Rogues were removed from the game
DH were removed from the game
Stealth was removed from the game
Fear was removed from the game

game would actually be kinda fun in pvp imo with all that done


Good thing they won’t listen to you.

Clone doesn’t need removed.
Stealth doesn’t need removed.
Fear doesn’t need removed.


And remove crackshot from outlaw.

What PvP would remain after that? How would it be distinct from keystone boss fights?

is this a serious question? there are arena games 100 times over per day with none of these abilities in them, they play out just fine

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i would be surprised if shuffles containing only these 5 classes are common presently. and you have to throw out evoker if you admit sleepwalk is really just fear

yep and those games are 100% more enjoyable than otherwise. just saying there is a lot of un fun, un playable around cc in the game that is truly toxic to play against

i mean name all the classes that can get out of cyclone (trinket doesn"t count ;d)

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Maybe pvp isn’t for you. Keys are fun, give it a go.


i mean you can look me up, i pvp, you dont have to be an insufferable human about it

i mean 17- Never mind i just looked you up, dont even play the game, youre just an online troll. No keys, no pvp, no raids. What do you even pay a sub for? To post online and be a curmudgeon?

and if this is an alt - post on your main you coward


I got s3 achieves in pvp so I obviously play just not on that toon. My keys are mediocre but 23/24s is where my main is at right at 3kio so again, wrong there.

You’re the worm that’s whining about cc… Just get better like we all need to.

w/e coward


okay whiner.

well yeah, for you. where do you get your confidence that you’re representative of general opinion?

taken very literally…no, there isn’t, and cyclone isn’t one of the few that meets that bar

it’s interesting that you didn’t choose to say “name all the classes that can stop cyclone”

so… a kick? or silence?.. a lot of classes have that… pretty sure only some healers dont have one or dont go for one

my question still stands

those are very very far from the only ways to stop cyclone

“which classes can get out of cyclone”? the same ones that can get out of sheep, or stuns, or almost any other cc effect that isn’t a root
no i take that back, evoker can’t instantly dispel itself out of clone with dream projection