Just delete the DH class from PvP

I guess i should rephrase my question

name all the classes that can get out of cyclone or can help someone get out of cyclone

you can for sure cleanse roots on yourself, you can for sure pre-death someone on spreist to get out poly yourself, you can for sure activate some abilities that take you out stun (human racial). Many classes have root cleanse and movement impediment resistance (freedom)

just my point is some parts of pvp aare lame as hell, i just wish blizzard played their own game.

as far as i know you can only mass dispel cyclone from a preist, or bubble it as a paladin, that is it - both intensive long CDs 2 and 3 mins respectively if i remember correctly.

everything else requires a use of trinket

in any case delete DH and rogue from the game, it would be wayyy more fun

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that’s a good point i forgot about

i agree with these two, but it seems from preceding context like the things that make this thought occur to me are very different from the things that make it occur to you. which brings back my initial question.

i gave you a glib reply here on the basis that all the abilities you want removed would leave 5 classes out of 13 playing the game, because it’s not really an answer to my original question.

what separates wow pvp from a pve encounter with mechanics? what do you enjoy about a pvp match enemy players are attempting to win? what puts some losses below the fun threshold compared to others?

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Saving this spot to reply to you when I wake up and have time tomorrow, im about to head to bed.

Good night Nelphy, here is to a better WoW for both us ;D

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Me next me next

Literally just divine shield and mass dispel

It’s not always about how to get out of cc, it’s how not to get into it in the first place.


Problem with no cd cc is eventually you’re gonna get got

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And when that eventuality happens, you respond accordingly. The game needs events to happen in order for it to be… a game.

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Why stop it when 3 seconds later they just get me again. Then I lose my stop and my trinket. Better to just let them get me

To accomplish something useful in those three seconds

If good play cannot stop clone long enough to make anything positive happen in a game, you’re playing a weak spec or fighting an overpowered comp. And both those things become true even in good metas based on matchup, they don’t necessarily indicate anything-but even if they do, the thing they indicate isn’t that the existence of cyclone is a mistake

I’m always saying this about every ability in the game. I queue into a warrior and trinket the first charge root, and if I can’t avoid being charge rooted a second time for the rest of the game I write a complaint email to blizzard

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locks are way more retarded than DHs from a mage pov. literally auto wins at least DHs can die

Title is too long. Lemme fix it for ya real quick “Just delete the DH class”

Fixed :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

You spelled “rogue” wrong

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Delete DK, Mage, Rogue, and DH and PvP will be good.

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hell yeah brother

Idk how this keeps coming up, but every single druid player would be fine with a nerf to cyclone in an exchange for a survivability buff.

Also, nerfing/removing it without those buffs would make boomy and feral unplayable.

Anyone who doesn’t think so should go try and play a dps druid spec and unbind cyclone

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i mean a cd on cyclone with improved surv to both boomie, feral, resto would be a fair trade off imo

I agree, but also I really think that you (and most players on the forum) should really try playing a class before asking for nerfs to part of its kit.

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I metaphorically deleted my druid after my 29% win rate in placements at start of season

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Time to play boomy! Cyclone is op!!!