"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

Yeah ele was even OP in era.

When they have all their talents its gonna be crazy

Should have just bubble hearthed when you saw the chad tauren shaman coming at you. You stood no chance as a female human paladin.

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This is technically correct.

over here with faster TTK than hardcore TDM on CoD

totally justifiable :+1:

yo check your dms

just going to point out some things, im not gonna tell you how to play but i can better help you understand your class and pvp dynamics.

  1. shaman popped 1 shot macro/cds + you did not or rather do anything, and reacted with zero counterplay.
  2. can i get rep for $200?
  3. can i get hoj for $300?
  4. divine shield???
    yes, this is classic wow, but its also sod. you cant expect to just W key at someone anymore. you have to actually play your class.

literally l2p issue here. stop complaining, get better, play good, then if you 100% are playing optimal and good and still lose, guess what, its rock/paper/scissors i.e classic wow. youre not gonna win 100% of your 1v1s. and thats OK. its suppose to be that way. but first, fix yourself. take this constructive criticism and learn, or stay stuck and bad at the game. either way, no good players are gonna read your post/video and be like “omg i agree with this guy he did everything right and shaman is just op”.

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I am not sure what the problem is here. I see natural selection taking place, you often find this on national geographic coverage. What is your point? Understand the food chain and how it works

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I didn’t have any globals up. Saying I didn’t do anything is false. but certaintly demonstrative of your intelligence level, I.E virtually nonexistant. Yes I opened up with a standard opener, that was enough to die in 5 seconds. That’s precisely the imbalance I shouldn’t die instantly for doing a standard opener. Its the equivalent of you dying for opening up with pain and void plague instead of dispel. In summary therefore be blessed and stay garbage.

nope. shaman pops swifty 1 shot, you NEED to respect it via hoj or repentance. let me better explain.
1- shaman pops swifty 1 shot macro
2- you rep (he didnt even pre ground both of you are noobs literally)
3- shaman trinkets rep
4- u (suppose to be good at pvp rep, next gcd hoj to predict his trinket since he pops swifty 1 shot macro) hoj him,
5-shaman sits 5-6sec stun giving you, a ret paladin enough time to basically take him from 100% to 50% or less WITHOUT USING wings etc.
6- imagine shaman pre grounds rep, and trinkets your hoj.
7- now you divine shield 100% negating all of his dmg and cds. and now you take him to 50% or 0% during your divine shield. macro divine shield+swiftness potion for fighting classes that could kite your bubble

crazy how ppl cant even play ret paladin in classic. imagine if you actually did #1-7 that i played out for you. this is legit 1550 experience gameplay that you couldn’t even operate with. if you did this into 1k shaman encounters, you would win at least 900/1000. crazy magic huh. now go ahead and reply with how bad you are again lol. just learn brother, its not hard.

this is legit constructive criticism. if you follow it, and learn then you would have a better experience. i could write out every scenario for every class/spec in which you could perform best at. but that info isn’t gonna be free considering you are defiant and not willing to learn rather, youd complain about how magically op a class is, even go as far as making a clip and forum post about. your clip legit shows how low your skill level it. this is literally 99% of sod players that complain, also play like you

imagine lecturing a dude on how to play a spec he isn’t even running. he’s holy, shockadin build, that was already covered in this thread. you focus on a spell he doesn’t even have in all of your lectures. look at his bar brainlet, he has holy shock, 31 talents into holy.


On god. I’m not trying to hate but your english/writing is so atrocious. I tried to read it a couple of times but idk wtf you’re saying.

common sense aint so common huh… ik hes not ret but his class is paladin. if hes complaining about losing a 1v1 to a shaman when hes not in proper pvp spec then thats his problem. healers complaining about losing a 1v1? mental disorder fr

it still does not defeat the purpose that he did not play correctly in this 1v1 situation.

come on dude use brain plz

this isnt a college essay being graded. i just typed out the logic of your flawed gameplay. but anyway, yall clearly dont wanna learn or take the time to. and thats also ok. but ill stop replying. if you need help msg me ingame whenever im on <3

Ironically you could of cleansed it instead of pressing offensive holy shock lol.

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it can still be ele masteried or naturally crit tho

Respect for the general tone

“Ironically you could of cleansed it instead of pressing offensive holy shock lol.”

I think thats obvious however. Shaman aren’t playing super amazing, I don’t see why paladin need to play perfect yet shaman can smack face on keyboard. Isn’t that exactly what we’re saying. Its an imbalance.

All good shaman busted 4 is coming out tonight. You’ll have plenty to nitpick there I promise you.

If your answer to “ranged shaman charging meatball of death” isnt “bubble” gfy.

No name plates?
No target of target?
Generic binds, even more generic gameplay.
Another 2head andy paladin complaining about shamans lol. Give it a rest.

Like any of this matters when you are getting killed in like 2 GCDs. Post on your main.

It does matter lol. Its obvious he’s a terrible player with a reaction time of a snail. The most defensive class in the game, uses no defensives. Compains about a overload & power surge proc. Stop tunneling, complaining, and actually TRY to play the game. Sheesh.