"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

Excuses from a shaman player posting on an alternate character.

Lol. I dont even play a shaman. I play a warrior. Don’t hear me complaining as much as yall.

Sure you do

You can’t cover 20 yards in 2 globals when you’re both traveling the same direction.

But that doesn’t fit the “Enhance shaman OP they can gap close from 45 yards with decoy totem, ghost wolf within 1.5 seconds” narrative that hundreds of topics used in phase 2. I thought all casters get insta gap closed by all melee?

Oh wait, more paladin gas lighting.

What are you talking about, dude? Paladin is notorious for being a wheelchair with the lowest mobility in the game.

And you are also your wife’s boyfriend’s best friend, right? Because if you get targeted by shaman as a warrior, you don’t even have spell reflect in the game and you can’t dispell flame shock. So you just submit and release spirit all the time. Must be fun for you.

Just bubble, shield or lay on hands or stun him.

im literally a horde player and even i think they need nerfs. i was watching my friend stream his BG gameplay and i counted at least 20-30 cases of him outright defeating a player 5 seconds into the battle barely even giving them time to set up, and if they did do any damage to him, the health would just get restored instantly from the free insta cast procs. really, you morons need to get your head out of ur rear and stop being disingenious. the class is busted beyond anything that has ever set foot in world of warcraft pvp lol


I would love to see a venn diagram of people who main Shaman in SoD and people who main demon hunter in retail, I bet there’s a lot of overlap

yep, both are chronic gaslighters that enjoy punching down, and likely play games the first time thru with cheat codes on

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