"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

Are you serious???

Yeah with power surge you have to dispel FS immediately or risk what happened in your video lol. Even if you did, shaman counter pallies pretty hard so the result probably would have been the same.

What do classes without a dispel do. Just die?

Well a hunter can 2300 chimera shot you from 41 yards and can easily kite you to never reach him for a 20 yard flame shock.

Ah yes, re-roll the other broken class to kill a broken class. Seems like a legit proposal. Why balance the game when you can just join the fun?!

If it’s any consolation, my shaman on SoD is 100% resto and will be healing p4

Why didn’t you delete your paladin when you saw the Phase 2 Ret runes like the rest of us? Didn’t even bother getting to 40 I knew the class was already ruined.

Its not coming. This phase is done for the devs.
Yeah shamans are 100% op. without the % damage pvp nerf, pvp is unplayable for certain classes.

I wonder if you’ve ever encountered an Elemental Shaman in classic era? The fight goes about the same, Paladins we’re always god awful against Elemental Shaman.

I remember popping Elemental Mastery and spell batching Chain Lightning with Earth Shock and a iron grenade and it pretty well deleted almost Paladins lol.

At least I know if I ever run into Tindremene that its going to be one of the easiest wins iv ever had.

Trashaman players are very disgusting right now OMG. Hoj can still be resist if you’re not orc and shaman has a counter to hoj (plus trinket).

In the dead brain of SoD shamans You all think that we need to save GCD for dispelling FS (no bro we are not like enh that kill You in 2 seconds with AA while instant healing) don’t cast exo, don’t cast holy shock, just stand there don’t do anything But wait for FS and dispel it.

Hopefully they add a tax to FS → when FS is dispelled by a paladin, the shaman dies instantly. And your sub ends.

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So Shamans get worse and Paladin gets left behind? How is that acceptable?

Bumping this because there are multiple people on this forum that come to every thread and attempt to derail so they can play the OP class as long as possible.

Chimera shot needs adjustment. Mutilate needs adjustment. They need to put the 50% reduction back in which I hate in concept, but is clearly necessary because Blizzard will not prioritize PvP balancing over the easier PvE.

Post on your main, coward, I want to see how bad you are at the game and look at your profile.

Anyway, he was too far away for HoJ. Instead, he used his highest damaging ability that paladins have, Exorcism, that hit for 1/10th of that burst. He hit 2 buttons and died in a global. Exorcism and cleanse BECAUSE HE WAS TOO FAR AWAY.

You’re bad. And dumb.

Thats the first mistake. Why dismount outside of melee range if you’re trying to hard engage? Either stay mounted to go in closer before engaging, or stay mounted and run away since you’re afraid of shamans.

Nah, just dismount at 20 yards so you can get destroyed at a shamans optimal range.

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Look at his profile and how much time he’s spent just on the forums. Ignore his posts and move on.

another video you posted where it shows you have no skill Lmao. imagine not bubbling and hearthing right away when you see a shaman. Skill issue.


Ele shams were op then too I agree.

I had a lvl 52 almost nuke my MC geared warr in a global. He just barely didn’t have enough damage.

Still not as strong as SOD though.

LOL “oh its okay for us to be insta win broken 5% of the time”

even just half of what just happened is already busted gtfo moron

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Ele is just flying under radar. They will become even more broken on 60 if devs ignore the problem.

To everyone saying “it is just 5% bro” - he had EM in a pocket with CL+ES on demand oneshot combo too.