"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

Bro preach. I know this guys type. Like a minus 1200 player somehow.

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This forum is for people to complain about PvP 90% of the time :smiley:

Doesn’t work cause everyone rolled orc or they just trinket and you die.

The video in question is a Tauren.

still havnt said what youd do after you open with a HoJ. What next?

I don’t care about the video you are nit picking. Comical that you can die in a GCD and you keep saying spam bubble like it doesnt have a CD

You need me to hold your hand on beginning your dps rotation after you start your CC?

CC is trinketed, your dps rotation that youve just severely diminished by opening with a HoJ only deals 700 damage. You now have a uninterruptable shaman free casting heals / dps. How do you stop this / beat the shaman?

Oh, so we’re talking about a 5 minute cooldown? Gee, I wonder what 5 minute cooldowns a paladin has that responds to that!

Ok so youre saying to bubble for 12 seconds, shaman runs away because you cant stun. Youve used your 5min defensive and now have nothing + shaman has range on you. What now?

Video also doesn’t show Shaman pressing Grounding first GCD?

What’s your point? If HoJ is the perfect first GCD for pally, then counter to that Grounding is the perfect first GCD for Shaman in response.

Why are we holding people to different standards?

If anything holding HoJ should be the standard against Shaman, because either a) you are facing a bad Shaman who doesn’t Ground b) you are facing an ok Shaman who will ground but drop early expecting the HoJ (which you want to waste with another spell) or c) you are playing against a competent Shaman who you need to juke/out predict.

The issue is that becomes entirely irrelevant when a single button press does 75% of someone’s health after a 30% damage reduction has already been implemented.

It’s almost like the 30% health increase should just be across the board instead of only in specific PvP scenarios.


This. Juking is unfeasible because you die so damn fast.

this is what paladins deserve to be honest lol. the QQ from mainly paladins puts a smile on my face.


I got it, you all don’t like HoJ, reroll if you hate it so much.

“PvP being broken is funny”
Shut up.

horde queue times put a smile on alliance faces at the moment. We can all find joy out of other peoples miseries, but its impacting the game we love.

I’m sorry but it’s funny. Blame the people that play ret for usually being insufferable. If there was unironically a button that banned all rets from the game I would push it.

If you read it that way you are either dense or being obtuse.

I said leading isn’t always a great option, not thst you never use it.

But alas you are right, when they delete you in 1 GCD I guess you do never use it ever because you are already dead anyway :man_shrugging:

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I am holy. Why should I be punished?

Paladins are trash dude. Just purge them.