"Just Cleanse it Bro" Shaman Busted 3 Electric Boogalee

So your video shows you pressing HoJ first GCD?

Its orders of magnitude easier for him to play it right, he just needs to do his normal rotation.

I started with my normal rotation.

Are you willing to reverse it so shaman needs to do a non standard opener vs pally or not? YES OR NO

Your wilful blindness to this is what makes you dishonest.


no pally would ever first GCD hoj… man shamans brains are all mud

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his gaming chair is just better.

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Which starts with HoJ. This isn’t PvE.

Like I said dishonest to the core.


See how this young shaman is bright red that’s him signally he is a dangerous maybe even a poisonous animal. A red shamans first global will always be a flame shock as follows your first global should always be a magic dispel.

Thank you for showing me this buying an ele set right now.

Right, they first GCD repentance. Then they get in proper melee range, do some damage, THEN HoJ. But he’s Holy, so only HoJ is the right play.

Lmao no you dont open with HoJ


Yes you do, unless you want to eat that lava burst?

Repentance? most pallies are running concencration. Bro do you even pvp hahaha

ok, so they trinket your hoj you just used, you now have no way of interrupting their casts / heals or using it to heal yourself. Now what?? Nevermind if you are an orc / have grounding up.

I chuckled. You’re welcome.

In sod there are genuine learning curves to classes that you face, since they’re umm using new abilities.

This is how I know players like Balthalor are really bad. They think they are perfect. A good player knows they mess things up.

Who is an orc? I don’t see one in the video.

he thinks you should open with HoJ… all thats needed to be said


ok so they trinket your hoj, you can now no longer interrupt their heals. So they can free cast dps / heals on you. Now what brother?


And I’m correct. No wonder you all die to shamans.

Ban PvP problem solved :smiley:

I would never play on a PVE server. But I understand those people who say they’re rolling on one for the first time.

and this is why pvp is in such a bad state, when someone this bad believes they know how to pvp just because of their class.