Trade chat sure is more active than I remember. But I kind of wish it was people trying to trade things. ALL of trade chat is just boosters selling boosts to other players so they can have enough gear to boost other players.
It’s a sad state and was the reason I left originally. Blizzard, Please do something about this. I know the stance was boosting for gold was fine, but there has to be some way to go about ending this nonsense.
Trade chat is full of boosters now, but they only replaced people talking crap and arguing about politics. It’s almost never been an actual trade channel because the devs refuse, for reasons known only to themselves, to institute a global general chat channel.
A52/Illidan are two of the biggest servers in the game, whereas Mannoroth is connected to half a dozen other servers and still only has a fraction of either of the former servers population.
So yeah, I can imagine trade chat being a bit quieter in regards to boosting on Mannoroth.
Frostmourne’s trade chat meta has been talking about KFC for the past few years.
my trade chat had olive garden trade chat for hrs every night for so many yrs. use the addon i guess i dont mind it least trade aint dead it could be gold sellers 24/7.
To be fair, I know nothing about Mannoroth as a realm. Area 52 on the other hand is one of the highest populated realms and if I’m not mistaken, one of the best involving progression. When you have a realm like that, Area 52’s trade chat being filled to the brim with boosters and all manner of people aiming to carry other people through things, I believe it.
Eh I don’t mind it. The general crapposting in each servers trade chat gives them personality, you recognize names and common jokes (“I have a 50 word essay due tomorrow and im just sitting here playing WoW” is a common one on OCE realms) and it’s mostly harmless.
If trade chat was purely just for trading, it’d be boring.
I just have it set to a different panel for my chat due to the constant spam. I never tune in, I think there are add-ons that filter chat based on keywords. So toy could try that if you really wanted to as they all have key words that are only used by them, like houkan or starlight boosting.
the problem isn’t boosting, the problem is huokan, and their business mode of “drown out the competition”
you walk into org bank on Tich (and I assume it’s this way on every high pop server) and are faced with 15-20 low level huokan bank characters, all spamming trade.
They do this to circumvent the chat limitations. A character can only send X number of messages per minute. But 15 characters can send 15 times the amount.
I just logged in to check, at 8am server on Tich, there are ten low level huokan bots sitting there spamming trade, and one from starlight. I took a screenshot, and yes i blanked out the names cause I’m not getting silenced over huokan bot names.