Just came back.. Yikes


Blizzard needs to shut down Huokan and their army of carnival barkers.


It’s actually very rare on my realm to see something non-boost related in trade chat. I don’t like it.

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It’s been quite rare for people to use trade to trade for a long time.

Usually only see big ticket items there, the AH is easier. At least boosting is a form of trade, as long as it’s gold boosting.

Ummmmm. Looks to me like they are using trade chat as intended. Also, doesn’t sound like you have been playing WoW long because trade chat has rarely ever been used for pure trade talks. At least now people are TRADING their service for gold vs non stop politics.

political chat and bs is better than bot spam. at least its a real person.


I’ve never seen a boost in trade chat, just group finder.

Trade chat is usually just random nonsense.

Must be nice. It’s just boosting services and guild recruitment ads on Thrall.

Well to be fair… I also don’t see a lot of what the OP described anymore either, due to my server being low pop now and the times at which I am able to play.

Used to see a bunch of that stuff, but not anymore… It’s been quiet. I don’t know if I prefer it this way to be honest. On one hand it’s nice to see people actually talking to one another (which is also very rare) instead of just trying to sell boosts/whatever… on the other hand it makes the game feel like there’s less going on.

Blizzard is terrified of losing their ability to sell games in china so its never gonna go away. Also huokan is just the same gallywix people who got busted for selling gold lol but with token $$$ blizz gets their cut and they look the other way.

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Hmm. :thinking:

What do you expect to see in trade chat? Literally everything tradable can be seen in Auction House.

I know what you mean, but used to, people talked a lot in trade chat. Granted, a lot of that ‘talking’ was usually debating and flaming and arguing, but still… people interacted. I very rarely ever see anyone talk or interact in trade anymore. It’s just people selling carries.

So you’re upset because they used trade chat to trade now?

Think the last time I saw my server’s trade chat used at all was last Monday and it was clear seller spam. Pretty sure my server died while I was away.

Is that not trade? Trading gold for a service sounds like trade to me.

Nah, this just isn’t a thing on nonpopular/dead servers. Boosters target the high pop trade chats.

I see zero advertisement on Alliance Trade for Dawnbringer, but when I hop on Tich or Stormrage trade chat is getting blasted.

Dawnbringer trade chat has actual people talking, it’s a little dead but it’s a nice homie feel, we all recognize eachother at this point lol.

You remember a time when people used trade to mostly trade things? Because that’s not true.

Do people use trade chat for trade on your realm? Because on my realm, I very rarely see trade chat used for trade, or for talking and interacting, or anything other than people selling carries.

I mainly remember trade chat for buying profession services

True gold/living steel, jc epic gems, tailors for leg enchants, enchanters, transmute masters for meta gems

On an rp server we used to sell a lot of rp items in trade chat pre account wide mogs
Felsteel blade, phantom blade, cloudkeepers, BS boes, etc

I mainly remember trade being about 10% trading, selling, and buying and the other 90% being political, hate speech, and trolling.

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