Just came back to WoW. And wow


Note: I may appear a bit harsh or frank here. This is not directed at you, just to make that clear :wink:

On some level, yes ofc, working on a new spec for a class takes time.

However, let’s compare…

Druids got their 4th spec going into Mists of Pandaria. Apart from the obvious stuff with the new continent, other new content, this was an expansion where we saw an entirely new class being added. That class being the Monk - a hybrid class.

In addition to that, this was also the expansion where they overhauled the entire talent-system for all classes and specs. And while the base functions of such a system probably would not be worked on that much by the class designers, those designers would still need a lot of time to work on specific talents/talent-setups, in order to make those fit across all specs.

So in short…if they really wanted to add a 4th spec to an existing class, I don’t believe for a second that this wouldn’t be possible to do while at the same time creating an entirely new class. Even in the modern game.

Sure, things weren’t perfect with that new druid spec. Things weren’t perfectly balanced or designed for other classes either. The thing is, with new expansions and with new introductions, they NEVER are.

This did not stop them in the past, and it should not do so now.

Also note that I really doubt we’ll be seeing a new class in Shadowlands. A new class is a major hype factor-booster for a new expansion release. And thus, such would be announced together with the major expansion features(what we saw at BlizzCon last november).

And this stands, even if a 4th spec is not being added for any existing class in Shadowlands.

Obviously we can’t get everything at the same time. I have nothing against new classes being added.

But since the theme for classes this expansion, is to bring back things that were previously taken away/made into talents.

Due to this, I can’t think of a better time to also correct the mistake that was removing RSV(while at the time turning a few of it’s signature abilities into talents for MM. Especially as those talents were heavily altered from their previous state).


Just one small tidbit here: They are giving a few old school abilities back to classes. This is completely different than returning an entire spec the way it used to be. I do hope you get RSV back though.

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We don’t really know the details/scope of what we’re going to see yet.

They specifically pointed out that what was mentioned/showed there, was mere examples. And that they were very early into the process.

They did say that we weren’t going to see Legion-level of class changes in Shadowlands. But there’s a VERY big difference between that and adding in a spec for one class.

Having said that, I have no delusions about it being very unlikely that we’re going to see a 4th hunter spec in Shadowlands.

But I’m not going to stop petitioning for it, just because of the unlikeliness that it will eventually happen.


Why? Because it’s something that would make the class better. For many players.


Not understanding this. MM is the spec that is best at Ranged Damage. You want to double up? Or possibly, make MM it’s own Class? You know, the way you describe that, it’s hard to believe you have MM’s best interests in mind, just ‘throwing’ us in there. Another ranged damage spec for Hunters? Why? In what way would that specs ranged damage be different that mine, to require another spec?
Low-range damage vs. mid-range damage vs. long-range?
MM Hunter is Forked enough, let it be.

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Old school hunter here and I’m still mad that RSV is gone.

It’s already been explained to death how differently it’s historically played from MM and BM so those upset about ~class fantasy~, I have a simple solution: make it an elemental archer. Boom, done. Black arrow is shadow, explosive shot can be renamed fire arrow or whatever, serpent sting can be renamed. Bring it back, give it a classic DND or NWN1 elemental archer feel, and make it a 4th spec so the dozen people who play Melee Surv are happy.

Everyone wins!


Pretty ironic how they said this about the class just yesterday:

Masters of the wilderness, Hunters draw on a variety of tools such as specialized ammunition and traps that alter the environment to their advantage.

…but they removed the one specialization that actually embraced this theme the most?


I’m not disagreeing with any of you that want ranged survival back since I get it trust me I do, but if you don’t mind me throwing this lame as hell curve ball at you.

Why should the survival spec in general get this much attention over the other specs? I’m sure Marksman and Beast hunters could both tell you all the things that they’ve been waiting/hoping to see changed for god knows how long now, so how do you think it would make those players feel if survival got even more attention after their rework to either be reworked again or a having a 4th mirrored spec added to the game.

So yeah again I get it, and I’m in no way saying that ranged survival shouldn’t come back in some form or another. But more so with the way balance changes are usually done by the devs around here, once again why should survival get the most attention when in comes to adding their ranged version back.

Never said that it should.

They have worked on it extensively for 2 expansionals in a row. Still it seems rather…off…in terms of their general goal with the class.

As for the 4th spec. Simply put, we have BM. We have MM. We have MSV as well.

But we don’t have ranged SV.

For all the faults there are that exists for current specs. At least those specs are there to be played.

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You’re a bad hunter huh?

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I guess for a few reasons:

  1. they promised going into Legion to preserve the RSV playstyle - which they did not do.
  2. Blizz admitted MSV was an attempt to appeal to non-Hunters. Try going to other class forums and try running that idea past people. (Hey Warriors, we’re deleteing one of your specs and making it ranged to try and bring new people to your class). They chose to try this experiment.
  3. MSV has very low representation in PvE. Perhaps Blizz should take some time making a spec that hunters want to play.
  4. I’m sure MM & BM have items they would like to have changed. But neither of them have had their spec removed from the game.

So, in the end, the reason it should get this attention is to clean up a mess that they made and to keep the promise they made to the RSV hunters pre-Legion.


They didn’t promise to preserve the RSV style, nor did they change SV to appeal to non-hunters. They’ve clearly said they did it because they felt there was a niche it could fill. You may not like that, but it’s been clearly explained.

In short, quit lying.

  1. Preserving RSV playstyle. Please see Legion class preview.
    “And, as a note for those who enjoyed the previous version of Survival gameplay, we have moved certain abilities, such as Black Arrow and Lock and Load, to Marksmanship-specific talents.”
    They did not keep the playstyle, and they did not move the abilites. They created new ones and gave them the same name as old talents. Look up Explosive Shot in Legion.
  1. Changing to appeal to non-Hunters. From Ion at the GamesCom 2017 World of Warcraft: Legion Patch 7.3 Interview:
    “We knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. I think that a lot of existing hunters, they are all hunters because they want to be a range class, and so we don’t necessarily expect them or want them to feel like they should be changing; but for new players picking up that class, it is an intriguing option;”

You may not like it, but I’m referencing what Blizz posted and said. In, short, I’m not lying.


# Survival

While all hunters feel a calling to the wild, some serve as a reflection of its brutality. To them, the hunt is defined by unrelenting ferocity, where survival means facing one’s enemy eye-to-eye . . . and is always accompanied by merciless bloodshed. Weapons of great range are abandoned for instruments of close-quarters combat. Survival hunters are instinctive and crafty on the prowl, employing loyal beasts and laying deceptive traps to see their enemies undone. For these hunters know that to truly understand what it means to survive, one must first become familiar with the cruel face of death.


Not only do Survival Hunters use melee weapons instead of ranged weapons, they’re also now the only Hunters that make use of traps—other specs will receive forms of crowd control and AoE damage suited to their distinct characteristics. Survival Hunters will snare and bleed their enemies, fighting them in close quarters with their trustworthy companion to maximize the brutality of the hunt. They have no direct control over Focus regeneration, but instead pool it up during successive Mongoose Bites to further amplify the damage they inflict.

Where in any of that, which you linked to for crying out loud, does it say SV was keeping the RSV playstyle. New players isn’t the same as non-hunters. Quit trying to parse meaning to fit your bias narrative.

I think you may have missed his point. He’s pointing out that Blizzard made promises prior to Legion regarding RSV, promises that has gone unfulfilled to this day.


They said in their Legion Hunter preview that the RSV stuff would be available through Marksmanship (and while you can argue they followed through for a couple abilities they are vastly different and inferior to what Survival had) and they said they don’t expect existing Hunters to like Survival in their 2017 Gamescom interview. Educate yourself.


Well call me old school, but Hunter used to be a ranged damage dealer - just like mage. MM is the best spec for ranged damage right now, but that’s because it’s the only spec really. BM doesn’t count because most of the damage is from the pet. So I guess my complaint is, we don’t have enough ranged damage options. That’s why we should get another spec for ranged damage.

Not sure what you mean by this.

They could have made BM melee and I wouldn’t care, because I never liked BM. That’s just my personal opinion though.

Honestly I think no spec should be melee for Hunter.

But if they did have to make one melee I think it should be BM.

Why? Because BM is a spec that focuses on the pet and not the ranged weapon.

But this is all just an opinion.


Reading the Legion description is so weird considering BFA Survival essentially kept none of that.

I wonder if MSV would actually be less contentious if they had bothered to just stick with the snare/bleed/traps theme when refining some of the mechanical issues of Legion Surv. Because an already hotly debated spec getting what was essentially a 2nd thematic and mechanical revamp 2 expansions running isn’t exactly a good look. Especially when they added more range abilities, particularly Serpent Sting.

And now with Shadowlands coming, the spec is seeming going to have to more ranged abilities than melee? Despite me liking the melee spec, it definitely is fitting in more and more weirdly, and Blizz needs to decide if its truly ranged or truly melee (with very, very short bursts of ranged).

I’m sorta new to the class/spec as I’ve only played it off and on since Legion, so forgive if I’m somehow wrong on the details. Just some thoughts.

I agree with you for sure, no hunter should ever be a melee class, it doesn’t make any sense to me

As far as the BM thing goes I see what you meant now, I’m the same way with MM and SV hehe :rofl: