Note: I may appear a bit harsh or frank here. This is not directed at you, just to make that clear
On some level, yes ofc, working on a new spec for a class takes time.
However, let’s compare…
Druids got their 4th spec going into Mists of Pandaria. Apart from the obvious stuff with the new continent, other new content, this was an expansion where we saw an entirely new class being added. That class being the Monk - a hybrid class.
In addition to that, this was also the expansion where they overhauled the entire talent-system for all classes and specs. And while the base functions of such a system probably would not be worked on that much by the class designers, those designers would still need a lot of time to work on specific talents/talent-setups, in order to make those fit across all specs.
So in short…if they really wanted to add a 4th spec to an existing class, I don’t believe for a second that this wouldn’t be possible to do while at the same time creating an entirely new class. Even in the modern game.
Sure, things weren’t perfect with that new druid spec. Things weren’t perfectly balanced or designed for other classes either. The thing is, with new expansions and with new introductions, they NEVER are.
This did not stop them in the past, and it should not do so now.
Also note that I really doubt we’ll be seeing a new class in Shadowlands. A new class is a major hype factor-booster for a new expansion release. And thus, such would be announced together with the major expansion features(what we saw at BlizzCon last november).
And this stands, even if a 4th spec is not being added for any existing class in Shadowlands.
Obviously we can’t get everything at the same time. I have nothing against new classes being added.
But since the theme for classes this expansion, is to bring back things that were previously taken away/made into talents.
Due to this, I can’t think of a better time to also correct the mistake that was removing RSV(while at the time turning a few of it’s signature abilities into talents for MM. Especially as those talents were heavily altered from their previous state).