Uh you’ve done so in this thread (as mentioned) and in a number of other threads.
If you don’t realize this or can’t see it, I can’t help with that.
Uh you’ve done so in this thread (as mentioned) and in a number of other threads.
If you don’t realize this or can’t see it, I can’t help with that.
Strong passive aggressive-behavior points towards a person who is manipulative, or at least, someone who feels like they need to control other people(on varying levels). Preferably without voicing/displaying direct commands.
The end goal with such behavior? The person in question wants to feel superior by dragging other people down mentally and emotionally.
You ofc have a ton of levels at which a person can be passive aggressive. Sometimes through sheer actions or through the way they speak.
Can you honestly say that I appear to be a person with such goals?
Just because I don’t agree with what other posters state/claim, this does not make me into the above.
Just because I do not hesitate to call certain other posters out on their bullsh1t claims/arguments that are, for the most, written with an intent to diminish the value of for example multiple distinct playstyle options that focus on the use of ranged weapons, just because those posters themselves have no interest in such fantasies…
…this does not make me into the above.
For example, a certain poster above, have told me to stop linking my design-concept.
When I’ve answered that I won’t, this is indeed a type of PA-behavior. But the thing is, It’s perfectly within my rights to not comply with his/her demands that are made up purely due to that persons individual distaste towards what it is that I’m(and others), what we’re after.
Yup. And it is only hurting your cause.
Show me one time when I’ve done this.
When have I ever posted with the intent of making another poster feel inferior, through a manipulative form of language/text?
Quite frankly, I argue that I’m a person who is very direct/upfront in my way of communicating with other posters, either in discussions or arguments or w/e.
Which also happens to be the opposite of what you’re insinuating.
Others already have.
Plenty. As has been pointed out by other posters.
In what reply/topic?
Again, when?
May I also point out that you initially(in accordance with this particular discussion) accused me of being well on my way to becoming a bully and a forum troll.
What, if I may ask, does the things you say above here have to do with a bully and a troll?
A bully, I am not. You’re flat out wrong on that accusation.
And yes, someone who’s a troll on a forum etc, is(can be) very manipulative in the way which they’re posting/writing.
But like with the above, I’m not a troll. I have never attempted to troll or manipulate another poster. Ever.
Yea that was my bad, I meant to say class. I actually was really hoping it would be a new hero class for shadowlands but guess not.
Again people reduce archer and hunter as “just shooting” yet when any other archetype is brought up it’s fine because “elements and themes”. We can have 3 plate melee with 2handers because one is slightly a priest and one is dead. Reading discussions like this it’s no wonder the class is such a mess now. I hope one day blizzard hires more creative designers.
Oh yes bag space for the huge amounts of gear that you need to have is definitely an issue. An armoury chest like what FFXIV uses would actually be great. I was speaking mainly about the RNG on getting the traits you need on azerite pieces is better.
Ok so I have seen you bring up enhanced ammunition a few times and I’m just not seeing it. Other than explosive shot (and it even says fire damage in the tool-tip) I don’t really see it. So cobra shot. You literally shoot a cobra out of your bow/gun (lol). Serpent sting is nature damage and I always envisioned that as basically a poison tipped arrow (or bullet I guess). Then you have black arrow, which does shadow damage.
Finally, we come to the enhanced traps. Can you explain how the traps were different on old school SV compared to the other hunter specs?
BTW I read part of your guide on MMO-Champion. That’s pretty good work bro.
And what, pray tell, is your fantastic new hunter idea?
honestly i cant take you serious you keep saying pray tell and doubt you even read anything anyway.
Lmfao. Yeah he did say that twice at least now.
I will keep repeating my message anyways:
The solution that I am proposing is to add a 4th spec for hunters that focuses on ranged damage. This could be similar to old RSV or something new, as long as it focuses on using bows/guns.
The other solution I could see would be to create an entirely new class that focuses on ranged bow/gun damage and just throw MM and the other ranged spec into that class.
If anyone wants to debate either of these ideas, feel free.
It should be based off of either the original RSV design and/or something that hasn’t been quite represented or a fresh design. I don’t think adding a Dark Ranger Class would do much. But there would beguaranteed shade from the Hunters, both in what does it have in variety of specs or the fact that it could’ve been a Hunter spec or(as Nixxiom mentioned) a class skin, something that can change the them of the spec/class, but not change the abilities from their original usage and output.
Here and other threads to.
See other responses.
I wonder if Velyro is even capable of posting an argument that isn’t patronising tone-policing.
It sounds like we have different ideas of what “enhanced ammunition” means.
I’m not a native English speaker so, I might be using the incorrect term to describe the theme in question.
I’ve seen some others refer to it as being about “augmented projectiles”. Maybe that fits better?
Anyway, the theme of the spec was to focus on the ammunition/arrows you use, rather than the weapon itself(like with MM, where the focus is on actually aiming the weapon over anything else).
It was about coating ammunition/arrows in animal venom/poison along with attaching explosives, which you then fired towards the enemy.
Keep in mind that, despite the WoW-way of how devs design abilities, just because a tooltip says for example “Nature damage” or “Fire damage” etc., that doesn’t mean that it has to be magic in theme.
Explosive Shot is not themed around magic. It’s about attaching explosives to your bullets/arrowheads.
Serpent Sting, while dealing nature damage, is like you said a poison-tipped arrow. The poison being crafted from extracted animal venom.
Black Arrow did deal Shadow damage, and some will argue that it was themed around using magic. I argue that for WoW, that ability was deliberately designed to be more vague in it’s description, to allow for players to interpret on their own what it was all about. Anyway, I’m not going to argue that here.
Note that magic in itself is/can be one way of enhancing ammunition/arrows. I just prefer to have less of that being part of the hunter-toolkit.
In short, SV held a theme of improving the traps we had access to.
In Cataclysm, you for example had talents like:
Survival Tactics - which reduced the chance of your traps being resisted.
Trap Mastery - Which increased the duration of Ice Trap(today called Tar Trap) and Freezing Trap.
It improved the damage of your Immolation/Explosive Traps along with Black Arrow(Black Arrow back then shared a cooldown with Fire Traps).
And it also increased the number of snakes coming from your Snake Trap.
Entrapment - added a rooting-effect to your Ice Trap and Snake Trap.
Point of No Escape - increased crit chance from ranged attacks on targets affected by Ice Trap/Freezing Trap.
Lock & Load - back then, was designed around Traps. It triggered/procced whenever an enemy got caught in your Freezing Trap/Ice Trap.
You also had the talent T.N.T. which allowed for L&L-procs to come from periodic damage from Black Arrow and Immolation/Explosive Trap.
Resourcefulness - reduced the cooldown of all traps and Black Arrow.
The above, all of it, came from the Cataclysm-iteration of SV alone. And as you can see, it had a lot of focus on improving what we could do with our traps.
Several of these effects carried over into later expansions as well. Either as optional or as baseline effects. And ofc, many things were removed for X reason.
Even in the later expansions of RSV, where we had shared talents across all the specs, SV was still the spec of the three which held some focus on improving traps from their baseline functions.
Today, current SV doesn’t have pretty much any focus on traps. It has a talent called Steel Trap. But that’s about it really.
This IMO, is just another mistake from the devs. A lot of players(myself included) want Traps to be a focus of the class. As in, allowing us to focus on making them better. Whether that focus is optional or otherwise, matters less to me really.
Thanks alot. Appreciate it!
Note that a lot of the things I mentioned above, you can find in that concept. Although, somewhat changed/adjusted in order to fit the modern approach to the design.
Basically, my concept is based on talents and effects along with baseline functions/abilities taken from all past iterations that we had for the old RSV.
From the parts of said iterations which I, and other players, have voiced appreciation towards.
Anything that involves pet-reliance there, is entirely optional. I added such things as, the current specs we have for the class are all on opposite sides of the extremes. You have BM/MSV which both are specs that have baseline pet-reliance and functions. While MM is a spec designed to promote the idea of not using a pet at all.
Basically, I wanted a spec which could have both the option for Lone Wolf, but also held ways for you to rely more on pets, if so wanted/needed. As, this is an approach the design which the class is currently lacking in.
Having said that, is it perfect for everyone? No, probably(read: most likely) not.
But I would like to think that it does manage to capture the feel of the old RSV while, at the same time, meeting the requirements of modern spec-design.
You know where my head’s at.
I’m just gonna take that as a no then.
Anyway, I’m done with this in particular. It only serves to derail the topic even further.
I agree. Dark Ranger may be a cool addition, but it wouldn’t solve our problem here exactly.
Warrior is to Hunter
Dark Ranger is to Death Knight (or Paladin or Demon Hunter maybe?)
So warrior has three melee physical damage specs, but hunter only has two ranged physical damage specs. (BM may be ranged but really only one of them truly focuses on ranged damage and that’s MM)
I think I’ve already mentioned, but I am pretty big on symmetry. And right now we don’t have that.
Edit: this is what I liked about classic -
Arms Warrior ~ Survival Hunter
Fury Warrior ~ Marksman Hunter
Prot Warrior ~ Beastmaster Hunter
This may not be 100% accurate but you get the idea.
I hated range survival in pvp it destroyed my bm Hunter rating as I got poop shoed by every single 2100 up survival team. This was in warlords of draenor. Now having said that. Blizzard are jerks for deleting ranged survival out of the game. Guys played that spec 10 years just to have it deleted…
If they deleted ur spec from the game u deserve to be mad and expecting it to be returned. Melee survival was played mainly as people who played melees alts that were curious about the new melee spec…their opinion means nothing compared to the guys that played survival 10 years as ranged…ranged survival players deserved to have first say not guys playing it as an alt spec.
I’m better off in pvp without ranged survival in the game but then I ask myself is that really right…the answer is no. If you are a ranged survival player that lost ur spec then I want to say I’m sorry for what blizz did to you. Further if you are a melee survival player because you originally played ranged survival and stuck out the transfer to melee like a pog champ then good for you.
To blizz I’m dissapointed you did this to the original wow players that loved your ranged spec. Disgusting descision. And for those of you pretending that it’s acceptable to delete everyone’s class at a whim…just go delete your main forever and see how it feels. My bm Hunter I’ve mailed since burning crusade if it was made melee I would just quit the game. I love my bm hunter I made it ranged for a reason. It’s called empathy to understand why someone is bothered by something and actually care how they feel. U don’t have to love ranged survival to feel bad for the ones that lost their spec to bad descision making.
Make a fourth spec bring back the dot throwing black arrow wielding dot class survival was in WOD. So I can again hate my bm hunter getting trash canned by it in rated pvp
Nice deflection. On the contrary, do you read anything? If you had you would have noticed I’ve had multiple discussions in this thread.
Np bro. We may not exactly agree on everything but I can see where you’re coming from and you have my +1 on any topics regarding adding a 4th spec for hunter!
As an aside, you do realize that this would take dev time away from the game (and possibly an entire new class) which is why I think there is so much controversy regarding this issue. Personally I’m leaning towards supporting an entire new ranged class over just adding another spec, but either works for me.
It would be awkward to incorporate because we don’t know how much of it could be used for specs and for lore reason(why would LIVING pandaren be Dark Rangers) or that same reason for why it couldn’t be a spec.
I wonder if it would be better to add a fourth spec or to just clean up the other specs/classes first?
You can, doesn’t mean it’s a no.
You can do your own work.