Just bring out phase 3 now

No way. Leave phase 2 in. I got to rank 9 last time during “phase 2” and it was amazing. I am already forming my gank squad again. Leave the world PvP phase alone.

Would absolutely love BGs, some of us have raided in the past and only came back for PvP content. I’m not lv 60 at all, so I’ve not rushed any content, however WSG would certainly add a little variety to the mix.

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What people should be doing now is lvling as many alts to 35 as they can, and working on mooncloth, cured rugg hide, arcanite cd’s.


I’m having the time of my life obtaining p1 pre bis loot. I’m basically done but now I have time to continue farming a full mp5 set and can finally work on earning gold and leveling my profession.

I also have time to level a tank to help fill the incredible shortage of them.

It feels good having short term and long term goals that you can complete at a comfortable pace.

During BFA I suffered a lot of unneeded stress because of weekly and daily timers and how a new patch would completely invalidate your work leading up to it.

Classic doesn’t need to be rushed out, I’m loving building my character across each phase.

By the time of BG’s release, we will all have had enough time to prepare so we can then work on our new goal without feeling pressure to spin 10 plates at once or feeling disappointed that you had to skip content.

BWL and BGs should release a bit sooner, but not that soon. A month or month and a half of the honor system without BGs would be nice to get that large, dedicated wpvp lust out of the way for most, with BWL the next month.

He’s talking about a schedule, not a list of content patches.




  1. a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.

So show me this schedule. Where did blizzard EVER say when the phases would drop?

Wow bfa must really be terrible.

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Theres a difference between catering to the majority that want to rush and catering to the majority that want a viable release schedule.


Also DKs should NOT be in P2!

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yeah just release Naxx already! wtf blizz!

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The problem is that if they do rush content to give people “more” to do. They will just complain again once they have BWL farmed it out and ask for the next content to be rushed. Then next thing you know it will be 6-8 months into classic and people will have all content cleared and farmed and complain there is nothing to do.
If you want to play at high level, go for it. But don’t complain about their being no content just because you play more then the average playe.r

Translation: I multiboxed, used every trick in the book and played 23 hours a day, to do everything in a couple of weeks,
bc I’m, you know, crazy,
and now I blame the game for having nothing to do.

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Because of greed, and nothing more.

No more than a month of phase 2 before launching phase 3, please. Battlegrounds were a huge part of my and many other’s Vanilla experience. Leveling through the 50’s without being able to do AV was disappointing.

I agree, we at least need battlegrounds to keep people interested. So many have quit after realizing that because of the no changes cult everyone will be running mc for 6-8 months straight. Give us the battlegrounds! Stop trying to relive vanilla! It’s gone. Done. Impossible to recreate. Stop it. Of course everyone that’s played the game already was gonna blow through content. Ofc.

Wow man, you really stretched hard there. Just started throwing in your own context and everything. You must be great at “debating”. Just put words right in people mouths.

The classic “so what you’re saying is” meme.

They’re not even trying to relive Vanilla. They want everyone and their mother clearing MC, they want everyone to be on the same progression level.

This wasn’t the way it was in Vanilla. The world first Ragnaros kill came 2.5 months before BWL released. There’s already 10x more guilds that have killed Ragnaros in Classic than there was in Vanilla when BWL released.

This false narrative that only a “tiny minority” is level 60 is just a bogus claim made by casuals who want their participation trophies; they should go play Retail.

are you comparing DKs to BGs?

There is no real solid reason to not have BGs in phase 2. They were part of vanilla. You can put the gear vendors on hold to not mess up gearing.

It was a dumb decision because it is only based on some metric they arent even meeting anyway in that people want to pretend they can make classic exactly like vanilla.

Either way I dont care, I can play other games until they finally put something in Classic that should of been there already. And you can pretend its recapturing something for you from 15 years ago.

For the record, PvE (Normal) servers existed before PvP servers did. Normal servers were just the one type of server during WoW’s original release. Pvp servers weren’t added until a little bit later.

For the record, you’re wrong.