Just bring out phase 3 now

I power leveled to 60 before phase 2 because I know once phase 2 rolls out, leveling on a PvP server will be 400% slower.

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If you’re referring to Dire Maul, then that’s not really accurate. In North America it was out 100-some days after launch. In Europe it was like 20-30-some days after launch. What we have in Classic is 50-some days after release. Seems to me they may have been trying to meet in the middle on that.

Only if you’re level 48 (or whatever level it is) or higher and actually award honor. Shouldn’t be too bad for lower levels.

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I think you have a hyper active medulla oblongata. You should maybe see a doctor for meds or something.

The decision is stupid. Although they showed the phases, they didnt put out a time table that I am aware of, so no, I didnt know.

All I said is that I am quitting until they bring it in, and I think you popped a blood vessel over it. Thats not healthy hun.

OK, as a gamer, stop being so sweaty and go outside.

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Better yet how about you tell me how releasing phase 3 before phase 2 is out isnt wanting content rushed.
Or how people that are running around the game complaing about nothing to do didnt rush through the content
Practice some reading and comprehension before you start trolling folks


This. If they released everything now, people would kill themselves trying to blow through all the content by Christmas, and then they’d quit. It is in Blizzard’s best interest monetarily to spread things out.

It also lets the slower levelers catch up and stay caught up. The long leveling process has widened the gap between those who can only play 20ish hours a week and those who can play 60+ hours per week, and many of the former are actually good players that just have limited time these days because of real life obligations. This is creating huge rifts in some guilds. But in another couple of months, while the poopsockers are forced to level alts and wait for the others to catch up, things will level out and should stay that way, because raid lockouts allow everyone only a limited amount of time per week to progress their main.

I think giving these slower leveling players a chance to catch up with the pack will be good for guilds and the community. Otherwise the huge gap that exists right now may never be closed. The poopsockers just need to suck it up and level an alt or something for the next couple of months. A little patience won’t kill you.


I didn’t say they should release Phase 3 before Phase 2. I thought I wouldn’t have to respond to your worthless posts ever again, after you disappeared for awhile. You should join Mogar in quitting because “Bwizzard didn’t wisten to me”.


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This is a common response, but I’m not being sarcastic or trying to be a dick… If you didn’t want to level to 60 in any moderate pace and if you don’t like world PVP… there are realms for you and they aren’t the PVP realms.

Read the first post of this thread, you know the one i was responding to before you did your usual hyperbole whenever i post on this character.

I never once said blizzard never listened to me and i never went anywhere. Been on the forums everyday.

Your the one that incessantly whines especially when called out on your bs attitude.
I still have yet to figure out what your issue is with this character. Especially since we have had productive conversations on other characters but this whole “screeee” thing you do whenever i post on this toon really is childish.


You called me a troll, how do you expect me to respond?

Oh gee willikers, Tuathaa! Thank you for the compliment, I hope we continue to have “productive” conversations!

Just tell me your other character, so I can add that to the mute list and we can go on our merry way.

Just going to go ahead and assume you’re Khaz by your inability to differentiate between “your” and “you’re.”

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OP is right.

Molten Core is SO bad. It’s SO boring. Literally unplayable.

I haven’t even hit 60 yet. Most of us haven’t. The Hell would I want BWL out for?

T1 is already going to be enough of a hurdle to deal with in pvp.

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Dude you’ve been a clown on these forums since classic was announced.

Good Lord, get a job


Honestly I think battlgrounds are the “end game” treadmill that classic needs. Not only getting for earning the rewards but being able to use those rewards against other players is a core part of the MMO loop.

Having rewards be used to more efficiently farm rewards for content that is easy to farm is a very unsatisfying loop and is why we are in such desperate need of phase advancement.

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Nope. Leave the release schedule as is. Just because the top percent and retail babies rushed thru content super fast does not mean Blizzard needs to rush releasing things for these people. Because the exact same thing will happen, then demand more to be released over and over. They need to slow down, not Blizzard speed up.

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I’m glad I made such an impression on you. I’ll make an even bigger one when I start camping you.

If they catored to the majority we would have retail where everyone gets rewarded!


They originally were going to have four phases, then bumped it to 6 when people complained.

He’s not lying, you can go find the blue post if you want.

I would like BG’s to come out soon. I have a huge stockpile of 19 twink gear that needs to shoot up in price.

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