Just bring out phase 3 now

Phase 3 should come no later than January. Classic with only MC, Ony, and no Bg’s is kinda dull and I say that as a huge classic advocate.

Good luck with that :rofl:

I agree with this I need to finish my thunderfury now. or at least make elementiun drop in Mc as a super rare drop


Vanilla Launch World PvP Killing NPCs
PvP System Launch With PvP Rewards Killing NPCs
BG Launch DK Launch Instanced PvP (no more world PvP)

DKs were a bad solution to a PvP Problem that had a PvP Solution. Adding them to Phase 2 BEFORE BGs is a BAD IDEA. It will lessen WPvP and people will end up grinding FPs to prevent losing rank due to Civilian NPC deaths aka Dishonorable Kills.

I agree with you OP.