Just bring out phase 3 now

I checked old blancy when you said this just to be sure. Seems like your way off. We have maybe 10 percent at 60. Feel free to check yourself.

Ya hard to find safe areas to lvl. Best place so far for me has been the hinterlands




noun: conjecture ; plural noun: conjectures

  1. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

“conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied”

Lol what? It days right in the post “when patch 1.3 would have come out.” Thats a time…lol? Im honestly just confused by your logic.

I don’t know if I see them fully pushing Phase 3 up, but if Phase 2 is a dud, I can imagine them dropping BGs early ahead of BWL in Phase 3. They did as much with Dire Maul.

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The opinion you’re referencing has complete information about the subject.

And here we go yet again :rofl::clap::roll_eyes:

You people are never happy. EVER!!


Is that a PvE server or something? No one cares about PvE servers.

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Except there is already a place for people who want more content. Not one for those that want a mirror of before; if people like you keep demanding changes

Yeah, it’s called Classic WoW. Blizzard already pushed out Dire Maul due to community demand, I expect BWL and BG’s will come out much faster as well.

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So you got all your reps to exalted, you got all your profs to 300?

By “Nothing to do” you mean “I only want epics from raids >:(”


Lmao. Imagine trying to build an argument around looking down on those that play differently than you instead of facts. 10/10. We done here? Your flailing in the wind for anything at this point. Even straight up trying to insult pve players. Lol too easy to counter your arguments. Go back to trying.


I’m just stating facts. I don’t even consider PvE servers to be real Classic servers. They’re the servers made for people with a convenience oriented mindset; the same type of players that love LFR on retail.

If you want to play an easy, convenience oriented game, well…

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I don’t understand the rush… why everyone in a hurry?

That phrase doesn’t appear anywhere in the post you referred to… or anywhere else on the forums except for your comment and now mine.

So… what exactly are you talking about?

The post says:

No time or date is given for any of this. There’s no schedule. They’re going to release content whenever they want to.

Yeah they probably will. And it will still be stupid thing to do and against their original plan. So whats your point?

No no, it was pretty good shade. Your capacity serms to top out as a line cook. Dont worry , most people top out at that im sure.


I don’t understand why people care if they’re “left behind”. If you want a game where everyone’s given time to catch up and participate in the current content, there’s BfA. It’s got all sorts of features you’d love: LFR, LFD; world quests that give you Mythic level loot.

All sorts of participation trophies.

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Ten chars.

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