Just bring out phase 3 now

Just release Phase 7 already. We’re ready for Classic+ content!


No they said they would try to mirror the experience but change it as needed to accomodate players. Why would you have a classic just to not make it classic? Lol? We can agree to disagree but unless you have any proof im not buying it.

If you’re* not into the content releasing faster than it did in Vanilla, you go elsewhere. It’s going to release faster and there’s no amount of crying from you that will change that.






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Lol what? How am i punishing people? I dont care if people are fast but the next content shouldnt be released based on that. Its that simple. Mirror the original release was the original game plan and id like them to stick to it. Its not alot to ask. There will always fast players but the game should cater to the majority.

There is nowhere to go for slower release? There IS somewhere to go for faster release. Ezpz.

The problem is the original game plan isn’t good and isn’t working. We need phase 3 not because people went through too fast, but we need a more complete game to play. Phase 1 and 2 are not going to offer that.


Show me where they said they’re going to mirror the content release schedule of Vanilla. It’s coming out faster, that’s guaranteed because the playerbase is progressing way, way way faster than it did in Vanilla.

If you don’t understand this, then there’s nothing else to do but laugh at you.


Works fine for the majority of people that either arent 60 or arent ready for the next raid content lmao. Im experiencing a very full game experience. The people that already capped and seen it all when the release schedule was already given have only themselves to blame.

Wrong, in 2 months after you’ve farmed everything you need from bwl you’ll be right back here demanding phase 5. Blizzard has a time table they are following, if you rush content, be prepared to be bored


I can log on Heartseeker any time of the day and 40-45% of the people online will be level 60.

That’s already likely far more than were level 60 when BWL released in Vanilla.

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I suggest you watch 30 seconds of that video I timestamped.


OP roll an alt and wait out the content releases…

Guild short on tanks? Healers? Nobody to swing Nightfall?

There should be no shortage of things to do when there are 7 other classes available within your faction. Give your main a break–I bet he/she is exhausted anyway.

I don’t want to roll an alt. Right now the only option is raid log and play other games because there is NOTHING else to do.

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There are plenty of things to do, my friend…you just choose not to do them.

Good luck bud.

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The fact that they opened more realms then originally planned blows your statement above out of the water.


The phases don’t effect the leveling experience. 1-60 was going to be popular no matter what.

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Here in the blue post at the top or the forum your currently in.

“…aiming to capture what it felt like to play in a realm community in original WoW. To do that, we’re planning to mirror the approach taken by original WoW, with patches paired together. We’ll launch Classic with content from original WoW through patch 1.2.x, then the second update will include content that was in original WoW 1.3 and 1.4, the third Classic update will have 1.5 and 1.6 content, and so on.”

Soooo…? What were you talking about again?


Opinion and conjecture are two different things.

There’s no information about timing in the post you’re quoting.