Just bring out phase 3 now

Yeah, it’s called Classic WoW. Blizzard already pushed out Dire Maul due to community demand, I expect BWL and BG’s will come out much faster as well.

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So you got all your reps to exalted, you got all your profs to 300?

By “Nothing to do” you mean “I only want epics from raids >:(”


Lmao. Imagine trying to build an argument around looking down on those that play differently than you instead of facts. 10/10. We done here? Your flailing in the wind for anything at this point. Even straight up trying to insult pve players. Lol too easy to counter your arguments. Go back to trying.


I’m just stating facts. I don’t even consider PvE servers to be real Classic servers. They’re the servers made for people with a convenience oriented mindset; the same type of players that love LFR on retail.

If you want to play an easy, convenience oriented game, well…

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I don’t understand the rush… why everyone in a hurry?

That phrase doesn’t appear anywhere in the post you referred to… or anywhere else on the forums except for your comment and now mine.

So… what exactly are you talking about?

The post says:

No time or date is given for any of this. There’s no schedule. They’re going to release content whenever they want to.

Yeah they probably will. And it will still be stupid thing to do and against their original plan. So whats your point?

No no, it was pretty good shade. Your capacity serms to top out as a line cook. Dont worry , most people top out at that im sure.


I don’t understand why people care if they’re “left behind”. If you want a game where everyone’s given time to catch up and participate in the current content, there’s BfA. It’s got all sorts of features you’d love: LFR, LFD; world quests that give you Mythic level loot.

All sorts of participation trophies.

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Ten chars.

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My point is, you’re ignoring the fact that their “original” plan was never to emulate the content release timeline of Vanilla WoW. I even posted a video link from Ion, stating that release date for phases is flexible and the community will directly influence the schedule.

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What?? Are you blind? They said they would try and mirror the original release schedule with content releases which gives you a perfect timeline. The timeline of the original schedule. I dont understand how this can be complicated for you…


Nope. They never said that.

Prove me wrong. Show me a quote that says they’d release content on the same time-table as the original vanilla patch releases.

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He said they’d release content in the same ORDER as it came in Vanilla. That they would pair content together in the ORDER that made sense.

They NEVER EVER SAID that the content would arrive on the same schedule as Vanilla. You can never find a quote saying this because it was never their plan.

Case in point:

You’re selectively reading and misinterpreting what they’ve said, big time.

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As someone who realized all they really want to do is do BWL again… I agree with OP haha.

MC cool but I farmed it sooooo damn much back in vanilla and now that my raid group down to doing it in like 1.5 hours it’s kinda meh… I still have 0 gear from it… starting to hate this +1 roll thing is I always roll low lol. I am fine with them waiting for awhile still but I think BWL should be phase 2 not phase 3. I will probably not play much of phase 2 except first couple weeks to see how “crazy” world pvp gets. But as a rogue large scale pvp kinda sucks anyways so meh…

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It’s worse than that.

This is a quote from the same post:

Not even just viewing the post from a biased perspective. He’s just outright ignoring a lot of what’s in the post.


Yeah, just bizarre the lengths people will go to confirm their biases. If the plan was to release content at the same rate as it came out in Vanilla, that quote you just posted wouldn’t exist.

They’d know exactly when the phases would be coming out.


I agree. Blizzard needs to see this and make it happen otherwise I’m just gonna go back to CoD.

this is not an argument

No phase 2 until after the holidays are over. Phase 3 in the spring. Phase 4 for the summer. Phase 5 this time next year. Phase 6 to start 2021. Go outside and play.

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