Just barely out of COVID

Not while bitcoin miners are afoot.

Man…why did you have to bring up that movie. its the Indiana jones movie I think even the makers would like to forget was made lol.

Yeah, it was pretty bad. However, that corny scene made me laugh.
stretches out toes

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If there were extraterrestrials, and they did in fact have interstellar travel, they wouldn’t even bother with us.

“Ooooh. Look at those primitive barbarians down there killing themselves!”

Then they’d laugh and find something actually worthwhile.

I love all the theories.

Why assume that any aliens are several thousand years ahead of us in technology?

What if they are roughly the same advancement and have their own issues with fake news and populist dictators, and are barely sending their own radio waves into space?

The whole “they would see us as ants” line just seems so boring and shortsighted. Having peers in space would be so much more interesting.

If they have interstellar travel, they are centuries more advanced lol

They’ve gone past the killing themselves stage because that level of advancement is either progress or self destruction

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You eat your green sludge and be happy with it, or I’ll eat your overlord-desginated rations for you!

The first incident dates back to 2004, well before China’s military modernization had begun to integrate the massive IP and tech stolen from the U.S. and others, and a time when Russia was less technologically capable.

Nothing in any of those videos speaks to anything capable of being produced by either China or Russia, be it in 2004 or today or in another decade. If any country on the planet were creating what’s been reported it would be the U.S., and if the U.S. were responsible for it likely only the groups responsible would be aware of it. Military history is dotted with such projects.

That said, what’s described from those videos isn’t something produced by humans, but it’s also very likely that the descriptions painted from those videos are inaccurate.

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Man, I’m still waiting on those military psychics from the 60s and 70s :[

The true comedy was kate capshaw’s acting. Acting used loosely lol.

To pull that off we would have to understand how their most advanced tech worked and I’m quite certain the Aliens will make sure that we don’t learn that until we become accustomed to their presence to the point where we want them there!

They will limit what we get and make sure we only rob ships belonging to their disposable slaves and the more reckless of their species who won’t bother to teach us how the Tech works before we shank them!

The smart ones would use less advanced agents for their work and the less intelligent ones are just using vehicles that they bought off the market that they only understand because they had a driving instructor teach them and I doubt a driving instructor or even a readily translatable instruction manual would be anywhere near the planet!

If Aliens show up we will find ourselves unable to drive their vehicles at all! If they generously gift us with Space-Faring Vehicles to take us across the Solar System they still won’t be fast enough or advanced enough to get us anywhere near their Planets.

Even if they give us the ability to create our own personal Planets within seconds they will be smart enough not to give us Warp Drives which is the most advanced Reality Warping Possible above even Small Localized Pocket Universes!

A Localized Pocket Universe will be located at the point of entry while a Hyperspace that involves Pocket Universes will be elastic to an alarming degree and require Time Manipulation.

Any Aliens that exist are unbeatable in a War and thus our attempts to wage one will just be entertainment!

The most they will do to us is give us the ability to shape our Solar System to our imaginations! We are already creating GMOs so don’t be surprised if Humanity if gifted the power to make Worlds and Localized Pocket Universes bring our Fictional Worlds to life to sate our boredom!

Since Aliens are most assuredly bored and curious to see what we would do with their Gifts and would be advanced enough to block any lasers no matter how powerful we make them their machines wouldn’t be limited to a Zone-sized area like WoW but go further and make Planets and Localized Pocket Universes with things even we wouldn’t expect!

At best we’d be able to decide the Capital’s design and the Planet/Localized Pocket Universe’s Biome but not everything else!

Hmmm… A real life WoW… :thinking:

I hope it’ll be something like you say, but it could also be more of a ‘John Keel’ situation that is… not very nice to think about, to say the least…

They clearly have found at least one measurement system and stuck with it.

Fun fact…NASA has spent money on redo’s in space.

As some Americans put some imperial in there. Centimeter? What the hell is that? Inches man. Inches. It rules the world.

And the world looks back and goes no…jsut the US and liberia use it last I checked.

Think it was the hubble. Got a redo since most systems were metric. and ofc some American put standard up in there.

The least enjoyable parts of that movie. Oh well. It’s in the past now.

Who is out of COVID? NO ONE! The world is still gripped by the pandemic, even here in Australia where three cases send us into lockdown.

It will be a while before this ends. Let the Aliens come! :smiley:

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Not only that one can make a Maldraxxus Planet with portals into a Maldraxxus Pocket Universe filled with Maldraxxus Planets each one randomized in a manner that makes them different from each other but still having acceptable Cities!

The portals would naturally lead to specific Planets that resemble the environment the portal is located in and preferably have a sign telling the visitor that the portal is a portal.

One can do a Revendreth/Castlevania Planet with Mirrors leading to various Planets/Layers in the maddening Revendreth/Castlevania Pocket Universe with multiple Denathriuses and multiple Draculas!

This is what an Interstellar Travel Capable Civilization(which would require bending Space and Time) could give us!

Didn’t you know? Lots of countries report UFOs everyday.

We know what this stands for right? Unidentified flying objects?

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I think we need to remind ourselves just how insanely vast the universe is. Our fastest probes would take more than 40,000 years to reach our nearest stellar neighbor.

The heart of our galaxy is about 50,000 light years away, that’s about 300,000,000,000,000 miles away. Even if the advanced tech could “fold” (whatever the heck this would be) space and make 100 light year jumps that’s still 50 years of traveling assuming continuous jumps.

In short, stellar species meeting each other face to face isn’t very likely based on our current understanding of physics.

UFOs are this era’s version of “Here be dragons.”

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Manifest Destiny 2.0 Mars Boogaloo incoming.

Time to build a great American Space Empire